Can we not start knocking parents, please. It’s not as easy as you might think to abdicate your role to the government. It requires guilt, self doubt, ignoring the obvious, inappropriate misplaced lashing out and a reliance on mind numbing alcoholic binges, reality TV, overeating, and digestive distress.
Besides, if I actually had to monitor my daughters’ activities, or God forbid, actually participate in anything with her, I’d have way less time here. I can’t begin to imagine the herculean task of ignoring more than one child.
It is a poorly written law and unnecessary. It would be a tragedy to have it actually pass. The House is a bunch of idiots on both sides of the aisle considering it sailed through with a vote of 410 to 15.
Schools already have to filter objectionable content (porn). They also voluntarily filter sites that cause a problem for their network and computer resources (like MySpace with streaming videos).
It’s a poorly written law and catches public libraries in a bind. So a minor would be unable to access their Gmail account at a public library? Gee, thanks. Not everyone has a computer at home. Are they now denied the use of email? And what about blogs? Are they banned too? There are lots of useful blogs that can be useful for research on various topics.
I must agree with you on this one John. My own congressman, Frank Pallone, voted for this and will be hearing from me. The 15 who opposed it were all Democrats, among them 2004 presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich for whom I voted in the New Jersey primary. Surprisingly, the only independent in the House, Bernie Sanders, voted for it; I would have expected more from him. He’s running for the Senate and I’d encourage Vermont residents to let him know they expect better from him.
or just go to and type in whatever web adress you want to go to. myspace,, porn, ect. all from the comfort of your classroom
Then let your Senators know. Washington has two Democrat Senators. Maybe there’s a chance they won’t be rolled like the House Democrats.
One of the 15 nay votes was from Seattle’s Jim McDermott. Idiot ;). I never agree with him, and even in this case where he voted nay for that bill I know I’ll find a reason not to agree with him.
One would think if they were true to their core beliefs. Obviously the temptation to be able to do what’s best for people is hard to resist. Must give them a sense of power or something.
I apologize. My comment was insensitive…I didn’t mean to bash parents in general, I have amazing parents. I just can’t stand the people who try to blame others when their kids do something they shouldn’t. Does that mean it’s the parent’s fault? Not necessarily…I just don’t like blame being misplaced. Again, I apologize for that. No offense was meant to good parents. My hat goes off to you.
I was actually thinking along the same things earlier, ThisGuyIKnow
Actually, I really don’t think preditors suddenly appeared due to the internet, and sadly I knew someone who was a victim back when transister radios where in their hayday.
I think todays’ over-informed society has brought a great deal of attention to pedophilia, and as we hear more of it occuring, we assume it is on the rise.
It is a pity that kids can’t be the little adventurers past generations were…
We would dissappear for eight hours at a time- even longer if our stomaches didn’t drive us home!
But today’s media has us believing there is a pervert behind every bush, just waiting…
Then again, ‘youse guys’ got playstations and Xbox, so you probably don’t even notice what you’ve missed.
They’re easier to ignore in groups! Sometimes they play together, sometimes they fight,-either way you’re actively dis-asociated from the little monsters!
Especially if they go to “Mom” for conflict resulution!