someone ban UniStarter

UniStarter is spamming with a facebook link that no one will like so please do something about him please

next time just hit this


Whoa, that picture was taken three hours into the future! :astonished:


So when UniStarter is spamming, we should report knoxuni? Thanks, will do. :stuck_out_tongue:

I stuck my head out the window and called him a dirty name. You’re welcome.

I wouldn’t do anything about him for less than a pretty please.

Maybe you would like UniStarter a little better if you had some Spam recipes.

you have a window on your unicycle?! that’s pushing it a little, the handlebar, now that struck me as odd (until I used one) . . . but a window? What’s next? air conditioning?

He probably used the Ferrari for the drive-by insult.

Ferrari makes a unicycle?

I’m going on a ride with UniStarter today. UniStarter is my BFF.

This made me want to look for the facebook style “like” button :smiley:

Have a gold star instead