Hey, I changed my username, I was Jaxer103. Anyway, I just saw “Enter the Thunder Dragon” and I liked it alot, but one thing confused me… it zoomed in on Kris’ seat and he was pushing a little lever. Is this like a break or something? And one more thing… I’m kind of new to the unicycling world, and I don’t really know how famous you can get, but does Kris ever post here? If I were a professional like him, I might…
Re: Some things about Kris Holm…
and by all accounts, his fame has done lil’ to distance him from the rest of the worlds one wheelers
andrew meldrum (co-founder of GUS) recently attended the british unicycling convention and while putting up his tent, heard somebody speaking in a canadian accent behind him
turning around he found himself face to face with the man and had a kewl chat
this is a scenario that’s played itself out time and time again as i’m sure more posters on this thread will be able to attest to
(BTW all the people at BUC who asked andrew if he was GILD, thank u, thank u very much
he only recently started speaking to me again;) )
accessibility of our ‘stars’
The great thing about unicycling (and why golf sucks) is that we have easy and frequent access to our superheroes. Kris, Dan, George, Dustin, Tommi, Foss, Irene, the Cotters, and everyone else you can think of are about as friendly as can be. I’ve never met a ‘famous’ unicyclist who wasn’t willing to chat or hang out (with the possible exception of some of the teenage wonders who wonder why an old geezer is talking to them and seem understandably a bit stagestruck or offput).
Just try striking up a conversation with Tiger Woods about why you keep slicing to the left or which is the best putter for your ten-year-old. Not to say that Woods isn’t a good guy (how could I possibly know – that’s the point). It’s just that it’s wonderful to belong to a ‘sport’ that is small enough and friendly enough that we can all walk and talk among giants.
But I’d still like to see a unicycle at the X Games.
Would mega-million dollar paychecks, big corporate product endorsements, national and international star status and constant attention from the press and public change any of this?
I think yes. Some of these (hypothetical) superstar unicyclists would maintain their grounding and others would simply go the way of many celebrities. They would jealously guard what little privacy they could get; they would believe, being told by the press and public that they are, in their own importance; they would treat others accordingly.
They are, after all, just people.
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ
Re: accessibility of our ‘stars’
Heh… well actually I’M kind of the 10 year old. But I’m 11.
I think it may also have something to do with the frequency with which Uni Stars run into others of the same interest. I think it is cool that we have such accessability to those we consider great. I would venture to say if the numbers of those demanding their attention were greater, we would see that access decline. This sport is in it’s infancy in my view, kind of like skateboarding in the 70’s or BMX in the 80’s. As the popularity of the sport increases and the Demands on the Stars are increased access to tem wil decrease. Enjoy the ride. It has only just begun.
Re: Re: accessibility of our ‘stars’
OH NO!?!
Re: accessibility of our ‘stars’
I’ve never met an ‘infamous’, er, ‘non-famous’ unicyclist who wasn’t friendly and willing to chat or hang out…
Dave (uni57)
Re: Re: Re: accessibility of our ‘stars’
Hey, who told you about binary? Phil, just him(sworth)?
You went from having trouble quoting… to binary!!!
Now count to 4,294,967,295 in binary or I will put a “hex” on you.
Dave (uni57)
P.S. - Good eye (and very funny and clever, in a pleasantly nerdy way).
Re: Re: Re: Re: accessibility of our ‘stars’
'Twas not me, guv’nor. I am a binary-free zone. You can’t change the base of my name. We can’t all say that, can we Mr uni-0x39, hmmm?
Yup, Kris is a really kool guy… like most, if not all other unicyclists!
Before BUC he went to germany with roger (uni.uk.com) and stayed with him for the weekend between germany and BUC. On the thursday before, roger was getting all of his stuff ready for his ‘stall’ at BUC, and so Kris came up to my house, with Simon McA, and small Paul. We went for a ride to the Dene, and Lighthouse (i have pics, but the gallery isnt working).
Riding with him was awesome! Hes such a kool guy… and is always looking for stuff to jump and ride. When we got back, we just ‘chilled’ in my frontroom. When you think about it… he is much more skilled at what he does, compared to the likes of David Beckham, and would Becks do such a thing? Dont think so…
yup… (nearly) every unicyclist I have ever met have been very kind, and just a good person in general. From unicyclists on the net, to conventions and even people who have just learnt, and you spot them on the steet (you know the type i mean)! Oh, obv with one or two exeptions, PHIL!, LOL, only joking… Phil is really great guy… arnt u Phil? (see you soon! :D)
Ok, I think im just rabbiting now… LOL
Me? No, you were right the first time, I am mean and horrible. Small children run screaming from my presence; women faint and dogs howl.
I know a guy here who showed his friend one of the Kris Holm movies. And that guy (sorry, I can’t think of his name) said, ‘Hey, I went to univeristy with that guy!’
The guy who knew of Kris didn’t know he unicycled, so he was doubly shocked when seeing him in the awesome movie.
Re: Re: Re: Re: accessibility of our ‘stars’
hey, what can i say, i’m type 10
Re: Re: Re: Re: accessibility of our ‘stars’
Re: Re: Re: Re: accessibility of our ‘stars’
which, belatedly, reminds me, didn’t u promise to show me how to quote multiple posts in on reply?
hint, hint
Here we seem to have the standard problem, that there are 11 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don’t.
P.S. I apologise for that one, but it had to be done.
And what is the other type?
No, really, it didn’t! Besides, you’re just confusing people even more now…