Some Questions about making a 16" Trials/Street uni.

Im on a mission to make a 16" trials/street unicycle and i have some questions about making it…

The design is to use a Troker CX 16" rim, Qu-Ax Hub with 127mm cranks, Jimmy Cs, Standard 16" tire, Homemade frame, 2 bolt seat post clamp, kh air saddle.

I am wondering how well the standard 16" rim will hold up?

can it take 3-4 foot drops? To me it seems small enough that if you keep it ture and tensioned alot it should hold to the abuse.

Can a standard steel rim like that be hardened?

Is there a difrence in hub widths between the Qu-Ax and the normal torker cx hub?

Will i need difrent size spokes?

Are there any stronger rims than the torker can be bought ?

Are Jimmy Cs wider than the standard pedals on the torker?

i would also to apoligize for bashing tyler so much, but lets not get into that right now.



I think a real 16" trials uni would need a wide tire, like at least 2 inches probably bigger, so a standard CX rim and tire wouldn’t work… you’d need to make a new frame too.

Well for street o prefur a thiner tire, for tight stuff, ans spins and crap, stuff like that.

im making a frame anyway

that’s freestyle, not street. street certainly has freestyle incorporated into it, but you need the wider tire for more strength, and especially more bounce to get higher jumps. which actually would be the entire point of making a 16" trials cycle, to make it lighter so you can jump higher…

i think its kinda a draw, lighter, yet not a wide tire.

i just bought a uni on ebay with that 16x2.125 and its really nice little tire, id get that…


that would be a good tire, but it’s too wide for the standard CX rim. and even if you were going to use the standard CX rim, it totally wouldn’t be nearly strong enough for any trials/street.

can you post links of the uni? Maybe take pics? what are the specs on it?

Waht if you harden it? Or i can make a rim(People, please dont get on my case about me not being able ot make a rim.)

I dunno what it means to ‘harden’ a rim, just reinforce it maybe? but I think the best way would be to build one like you suggested.

Its a prosses of heating and cooling the rim

Here is a stong 16" rim. You are welcome.

THANK YOU DK! If you were a girl i would kiss you.

i found one here

The one I found is much better. Its double wall and high is the same rim listed under downhill.

That dosnt come in a 16" size Dk, but i did find this

16" x 1.75-2.125" 305X24 16H 370G So am i just stupid?

read it

The seccond one you posted.

W00T I was refering to the first rim I posted. The second one is the same rim, but in bigger sizes.