I write for a site called Fringe Sports Central, which exclusively covers sports that center media ignores. Uniclycling is a perfect example. I started following Unicon XIII last week and have written twice about it, once as an introduction and again with some results. My readers have been interested, but I don’t feel like I understand enough of what’s going on to provide them with outstanding coverage.
Does anyone have footage of the downhill event? Or maybe some historical information on how Unicon has progressed? What about unicycling in America? Most of the information I’ve found is from Europe. Comparatively, how big is the sport in America? I’d appreciate any help. I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve learned about unicycling as a sport, but I want to learn more and pass it on to my readers. Thanks!
the sport is pretty big in america, but not super big. The three main events in america that I know of are NAUCC(North American Unicycle Convention and Contest), CMW(California mountain unicycle festival) and MOAB, another Mountain unicycle festival.
In case you don’t know, There are 4 main unicycle groups, trials unicycling, wich involves jumping from one object/obsticle to another, freestyle unicycling which is a little bit like Ice skate dancing, where you try to almost dance on a unicycle, mountain unicycling where you hike or ride up a mountain or rough terrain, and then procede to ride down it. there is also street unicycling which is like trials and freestyle unicycling combined, where the object is to combine big tricks(like jumping down stairs, off ledges, and grinding down rails) with technical tricks(like crankflips, unispins, 180’s, 360’s ect.) and try to make it all look as smooth as possible.
It might help you understan the different styles if you watch videos. I’ll try to find some good ones.
I hope I didn’t forget anything,
also, that’s so cool that your reporting on unicycling! Our sport needs more attention like that.
There is also the rather mundane track and field, simple road races, which make up a great deal of UNICON and NAUCC. 100 m, 400 m, etc, unicycling-juggling race, tight turning course, relay race, 10 k race, etc.
There is another kind of unicycleing, it is BC wheeling, basicly a wheel with peg that hang down, there is no frame… there is alot of BC wheeling in Muni movie from MOAB that is posted above.
Welcome to the forum.
It’s good to have you.
Thanx for the exposure you’ve already given to unicycling.
Do you have links to your articles?
Don’t forget about UniHoki, or unicykle hockey, as my less inspired brethren are still intend on calling it.
I can’t speak for the USA, but if you want any info on the state of the game in South Africa, drop me a line.
True, but we don’t really have a committed Sumo-fite on the forums who’s insanely passionate about Uni-Sumo in a ‘every-other-word-out-of-your-mouth’ kinda way.
Yeah sumo, it’d sumo be sumo cool sumo if sumo we sumo had sumo someone sumo like sumo that sumo on sumo the sumo forums…I sumo could sumo go sumo for sumo some sumo uni-sumo sumo videos.
Holy cow, you guys are generous! This is fantastic! Because of the sports I cover, I end up in a lot of forums like this for a lot of different fringe sports, asking for advice and direction, but this is by far the most welcoming group. Thank you very much.
I’ve got a lot of material to work with now and some follow up events to cover. Just out of curiosity, when are NAUCC, CMW and MOAB? I live in Boston, does anyone know of any events in New England I could get to for some live coverage?
I’m going to write more about the Unicycling World Championships this week, and if I can find some other unicycling events I’ll continue the coverage. Actually, I think my readers would enjoy some of the videos you guys sent me. Seriously, this is great stuff, thanks so much. Feel free to stop by Fringe Sports Central to check up on the coverage. I’ll also keep checking back here to keep up on what’s new in the sport and to seek out advice. Thanks!
Thanks for writing those articles about our obscure sport, it’s nice to get the word out! It’s also nice to see that you are putting forth so much effort to learn more about the sport, most of the reporter-types that I’ve come in contact with don’t care much for getting things right.
Just judging by the this forum, I think that unicycling is a fast growing sport of here in the US. I think most of the riders are back east, but there are a lot of ‘hardcore’ riders along the west coast. There are quite a few good riders from Canada and Australia, too.
As far as I know this forum gives the best representation of the sport, so feel free to browse through the threads to get an idea of what’s happening.