I wasn’t sure whether or not this was r.s.u-worthy and i thought I was safe posting it here but I found some great movie in the gallery.
Watch them!
I wasn’t sure whether or not this was r.s.u-worthy and i thought I was safe posting it here but I found some great movie in the gallery.
Watch them!
I just got more of them…who are these people? They’re awesome!
To quote home movies “No Rocks! Where are you guys from?”
Exactly, sweet riding if I ever saw it.
Great Video’s thanks for the heads up
I merely thought these videos were excellent until the bit where someone rides a giraffe down some stairs; then it ascended to “awesome” and I don’t use that word a lot.
And I’ve just downloaded “monogleterre” and some of those people look strrrrrrangely familiar, do you not agree Mr Joe Baxter, Esq.?
Yes, I also noticed that. Those logs being hopped on look familiar too.
I think Yoggi is from France or Belguim. I met him at chocfest last year. He was staying with Joe and Simon thats why theres them in there as well Oh and theres also a random one of me on there.