Some cool oddities...

Ahh, I went to the world famous Ye Olde Curiosity Shop ( today in Seattle. I saw and bought some fantastic stuff, so I thought I’d share (see below for link to photos):

#1 - A preserved female baby Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas) in a bottle. Try to think up a name for me, ok?

#2 - A nut scratcher

#3 - My name written on a grain of rice (it’s magnified by the water in the picture, so it’s much smaller in real life). I got to watch the guy write it!

#4 - My Vatican License :slight_smile:

#5 - A Seattle pirate mug

#6 - A personalized dogtag

#7 - Two real mummies - Sylvester and Sylvia (no, I didn’t buy them…;))

Cool, huh?!


that’ll come in handy next time you want to do

So… wow.

wait a minute nut in what sense

Both, I assume… at least for me!

Don’t forget, I need a name for my shark!

I would call the shark Manfred, or Martha, or Hector, Charley, Fredrick, Quidlum, or Odipeous.

or steve


Yeah, that would be a cool name for something.

So would McNubbins.

Genius! Pfffftttttttttt…

if ever in need of a name. BoMar works.

I liek Manfred or just fred

gibby the shark

I dont think the Nut Scratcher looks nice to emm cough ‘scratch’ with…


yea, i think the best nut scatcher is your hand(s)


Call it Pete… Or Nibbles.