Solstice 2007

The first Solstice of 2007 is tomorrow.

According to, I’m getting a 16h 1m day with 17h 23m of daylight. I get 2 sec more light tomorrow than today.

How about you?


Sounds like it is time to start getting depressed over the short days that are coming. :frowning: :roll_eyes:

Put in your city or zip code and scroll down to the astronomy section.

For example: Anchorage will have a 19hour 22minute day with 24 hours of visible light while Toronto Ontario will only have a 15h 26m day with 16h 38m of visible light.

Yes, the days will then get shorter until December and hotter through August.

London gets 17 hours and 37 minutes of daylight today, and the sun doesn’t set until about 20 past nine.

It is a bit depressing that the days are going to be getting shorter again, but the good news is that the sunset continues to get later until the 24th, so there’s a few more days to get some late uni riding in!

Get yourself oop north. Sunset here in sunny Gateshead is around 21:50 for the next few days and it’s still bright enough to ride w/o street lights until about 22.30.

24 hours of visible light 19 hrs and 33minutes of sunlight. How am i gonna go to sleep

does that mean it was today for me?

down here in Oz it was the shortest (and bloody cold) day of the year today,
but i guess its all uphill from here, more daylight to Uni!:smiley:

Happy Solstice!!

Kewl! Now the days are gonna get shorter and hotter(like Wheel Rider said). But at least there’s no more school.

It’s all good.


I guess we look alike.

I get 15hrs 18min from sunrise until sunset, 16hrs 27min of total light and the moon rises at 1249pm and sets at 1249am

Happy Equinox!

Today we all get a day length of 12h 8m regardless of hemisphere.

I hate equinoxes…equini? I wish it would be summer all the time!

  • a bazzilion

Solstice 2007 Part II

My Length of Day is 8h 23m with Length Of Visible Light at 9h 36m today and I get 5 more seconds tomorrow! Interesting that my day is approx. 7.5 hrs shorter but almost 8 less hours of visible light than last Solstice.

Who’s got the shortest and longest days today?

I only get 8h 32m with 9h 43m of visible light.
I’m betting one of those Australians have the longest day…luckies.

Damn! I read this thread from the start and wondered why everything was the opposite…then I checked the date :slight_smile:
Yup, we got a long day yesterday Down Under (but rainy and cold) :frowning: