
How many have ever Soaped? You know that “Sport” where u get special shoes and grind rails with your feet?

I haven’t ever bought the shoes to do it, but at school we use to because we were bored during recess. Any others do it??

Here is a website with some short videos.

Heres another website with a better video thats a little over 3 minutes.

I’m not going to say its ghey, but its just… different. Parkour (sp?) combined with soaping wouldn’t be cool, but just running up to stuff and grinding is kinda lame.

'Nuff said.

I mean, it’s not that much different from sitting on a handrail and sliding down on your butt… and anything that involves (or is related to) a rail and a butt is, well, DK said it. :stuck_out_tongue:

hey, sliding down a handrail on your butt is fun… and I’m not ghey either. though I don’t think it would make a very good sport.

yeah… hmm i odnt really know what to think about that, those are fun to mess around with, but they are big goofy looking shoes…


i would rather walk around school with clown shoes than walk around with Soaps on

I did it with some regular shoes and its pretty fun.

Not that i would spend the time on it like i do unicycling,but it was pretty fun because i was so bored. Lol.

well i always thought it would be cool to ride up to like a rail you would grind on your uni, jump off do a soap grind, then jump back on your uni


Seems a bit of a one-trick-pony to me, i mean i can’t see how you could possibly go beyond what’s done in that video, and much of that was repetetive.

My older brother had a pair of Soaps(not the knock-offs) when we lived in Oregon, I always thought they were kida lame. In fact, we might have them somewhere, I’ll check.

They sure beat the crap out of those lame Heelies, I kick every kid in the heel that I see riding on them, so they fall…:smiley:

Lol, i hope they kick your uni wheel out from under you in return.