So who here has drunk Chemichaled Fish Aqarium Water...I just did im gonna die! HELP

When I typed in the phrase "please help me, I accidentally swallowed some “fish AGER st”
I was lonely…

Only because normal people don’t accidentally drink fish water thinking it’s normal water because iti’s in the drinking jug…

it’s some kind of chlorine neutralizer…i hope I don’t die, it’s been over an horu now and no symptoms of sickness or illness.


Wait :wink:

doesnt it have a warning on it? like do not ingest? or call a doctor if you ingested?

If you’re not dead yet your time would have been better spent searching for the Poison Emergency Number for your area, rather than waiting for a response on an obscure forum.

Some Poison Information Centres (Australia-wide) 131126


Some fish swim in salt water which would taste very salty and could have a dehydrating effect on the human body. Not dangerous in low amounts.

Other fish swim in fresh water. Fresh water can be tasteless and odorless and have a hydrating effect on the human body. Not dangerous in low amounts.

i do it all the time by accident when cleaning my fish tank with a siphon filter :slight_smile:

Any time now the change should begin.

You should have drunk spider water - at least you’d get to climb walls and shoot webs. If you drink fish water, you just start going around in circles looking gormless. Ask your friends if it’s started.

You should post a question here:

Oh…wait…looks like you already did!
If you don’t die you will at least have a nice slime coat!

Did you drink it out of the original container or out of the aquarium? The aquarium version includes fish poop and pee. :slight_smile:

It’s alright, the funeral was canceled because it is now unnecessary.

you don’t need to suck on it to get it going. you fill the tube then pick up the tank end to get water flowing then plunge it back in the water. that vacuum you create by lifting the end will suck up the water after you plunge it back in. a little trick so yo don’t have to taste fish poo :slight_smile:

So…you’re not dead, then?

The jury is still out on this one.