So Bored

Hi everyone.

I have just started this thread ‘coz Im SO bored!!
I will now talk about things…

Today is a teacher-training day at school. I did think I would every say this, but I which I was at school!
There is nothing to do.
I woke up this morning, as everyone else was leaving the house, and had a nice long lie in. I looked out side, and I was lovely. The sun was shining, and the birds were tweeting. I got a shower, and got my Muni out. But all of a sudden it started raining really heavily. I would usually go out if it was raining, but I was on my own, and was already cold. So I came in, and had some toast.

There is NOTHING on TV, which is also SO annoying and I have watched my Uni-Vid so much lately, and when I watch them, it makes me want to go out and do some trials, and last night at hockey, I snapped my really good hockey stick. Oh well… Im doing a show tomorrow night in Scotland, so the money I get off that, I will use to get a really good new one,… maybe a Carbon Fibre one off Roger.

The Thursday before BUC10, Kris Holm came up to my house, with Simon and Paul. We went for a ride out. It was so kool. We went to the Dene and the Lighthouse . Kris seemed to enjoy it. Its amazing how he looks at things all the time, and quickly makes the decision if it is ridable or not. Its MAD!
Then on Friday, me and my dad set off. BUC bound . The journey took AGES, as there was road works like everywhere. It took us 5hrs 30mins, but it was worth it. It was good to see everyone again… Phil, John, Mark (just to name a few…) and the show on the Saturday night was SO class. Roger and Leigh’s ‘Black Light’ routine was class, as was Lukes juggling routine with the TV!….
Well I have just getten myself some more toast… mmmmm J

The rain still aint stopped yet…
I think I will now go and look at some kool unicycle web sites… and maybe some scooter ones, as I love Vespa’s. I think there kool.

Sorry for rabbiting on SO much, just I was really bored and had nothing else to do. I have read most of the posts in the last 3 weeks on RSU, and I have sifted my way though most of the pics in the gallery! Most of them are kool.

Keep up the good work everyone…


Same thing happened with me. I went to start riding my unicycle, and it just started raining. Hard. I was going to ride it to this festival/fair thing in my town, but since it was raining, I didn’t. Maybe I will today.

Joe – can we please have a follow-up to this story? :slight_smile:

Did it have a happy ending? Or did it rain for so long that you got sick of eating toast?

I enjoyed your story. And in the future, if you happen to get bored shortly before I get bored (adjusting for time-zone differences and your typing speed, of course), then I can read your stories and not be bored any more.

Dave (uni57)

'Tis most curious… it hasn’t rained here very much at all. The reason, of course, is that in an hour’s time I have to pick up an open assessment… 3 weeks of fun, fun, fun…

This “final term” malarkey is far too much effort. Oh, the workload… I might go completely mad!


Hi Dave,

well, the day ended alright. I just packed my bags, coz we went to Troon, Scotland for the weekend (inc bank holiday monday) and it was great.

I did a show for the SAMS (Scottish Association of Magical Societies) on my unicycle(s). It was a great wekend, but it was really rainy. :frowning: I still did some trials on the seafront. Pic will follow soon… :smiley:

Im at school at the moment. Its lunch time, and ive have 2 dohnuts :smiley: mmmm… LOL

I have bookmarked this thread, so if I, or any one here gets bored, please feel free to waste some time, i meen share your boredem (sp?)


Oh, and I didnt have any more toast that day… But i did have a family pack of super noodles all to my self (ment to serve four people!) :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope, sorry don’t believe that can happen. Sick of eating toast? Except possibly in the medical sense from large quantities. Hope it doesn’t happen, I can’t work without toast. It’s pretty bad already though. Londis (just over the road from me) has been closed since sunday, so random chocolate is too difficult to get. Damned robberies. And I’ve got a project write up in tomorrow, so I really need to do lots of work.
Right, enough random gibberings. And this must be my earliest post ever.
