last winter we got 6in of snow and i rode my sun 20in uni with a kenda street with 60psi tire and it was slippery but not impossible. then i rode my 24in dx running tubless and 2.6in kenda small block 8 and i could not get it to slide around or spin. i was very impressed this winter with my unicycles. and when it sleeted i made some chains for my 20in.
Great story, would read again!
must have been cold and fluffy stuff, heavy stuff can stop you at only 3". I run a 26x3 and it’s better than the biggest studded tire. Even when you run studded, the snow can pack under it and keep the studs up off the ice, so running the biggest (2.3") studded tire compared to the foot print of 20psi 3.0" just doesn’t compare in snow. Oh, the Nightrider tire seems to be the most tacky out of the big tires in the snow. a 3.0" tire with chains may be the best in the heavy snow over ice.
It was the light stuff at first then the. Top layer melted then we got sleet and it was very icy but the large volume tire did the trick and the chain work better than my studs
You put a chain on your uni? You got pics of it? That’s actually kind of interesting haha.
Yeah, i’ve tried riding in snow >.< doesn’t work well haha, mainly because it’s iced over. I could see this working on a ski hill or in and area that doesn’t get much snow. But as for here, we get a bit, so if you break through the ice theres no way you’re going to pedal.
I’ll put pic up soon. They are chain between spokes going around tires and held together with clips it works well long as you have ALOT of tire frame clearance
Here’s an old picture of a unicycle chain (1986)
hahahahahaha… awesome! 1986! That’s so cool!
Sad part is is that’s almost excatly like that I got one pic but it very bad
Some of my favorite riding I have ever done was in the snow on my 29" last winter. It has a kenda karma tyre which is not the best in snow so I could make it wheelspin in the deeper snow and even drift it whilst turning. Some of the ice was actually easier to ride on than the snow which was loose and made it slip.
its kinda like riding on sand
total failure. example of when more is not better. pulled these out and put in 1/4 inch sheet metal screws, worked perfect. only used for riding down Snow King ski resort.
that is really cool
how did you get the in the tire??
Been there, done that, not a great fan of chains on a unicycle. Heavier and not as grippy as studs.
Check my profile for a pic.
I had no problem riding on hard packed snow last winter, no chains or studs. I tried riding across the lake where I live, but found that skidoos didn’t pack it down hard enough and I couldn’t really get going.
stuck a ice pick from the outside in, that left a hole where i knew exactly where to place the screw from the inside. did not want to miss the center of the lug. used a cordless screwdriver to put the screws in. i placed heavy duct tape over the screw heads to protect my tube.
Seconded, I’d like to see a picture of this too. Would be interesting to try one day.