I might have a snow day tommorow. We’re supposed to get 10 inches over-night. So anybody have any fun snow-day stories? Anybody never had a snow day?
I might have a snow day tommorow. We’re supposed to get 10 inches over-night. So anybody have any fun snow-day stories? Anybody never had a snow day?
Dude, it’s April.
lol, im on break so ihave no school tomorrow no matter what!!!
Dosen’t matter in Colorado. It snows whenever it feels like it here.
Texas got snow (just light flurries) a week ago tomorrow. On Good Friday. In TEXAS! Now it’s like 70 degrees.
The South is jacked up.
Yes, weather is unreliable! A lot!
i live in michigan, one day it was 75 out, the next we had snow
I know how that goes… Today around noon it was mid to late 50’s, and now its flurrying and about to escalate into a blizzard.
fun, looks like your gonna get to snow uni in april
Yeh, I gotta fix my crank that fell off though. I was riding and BAM, off with the left crank. I rode one-footed for a full 2 revs. though. So I felt specail. (I just started unicycling recently btw)
hey, im not one to judge. I say unless your the best, you cant tell someone their worse than you. so CONGRATS!
Duh, haven’t you ever heard of global warming?
Actually it’s the same in Idaho, it’s been really nice most of this week, but we had a blizzard for about an hour a few days ago…it went away though.
Awww CRAP!
Everybody anticipates a HUGE blizzard. And then NOTHING happens. No snow, no ice… The airport canceled flights last night, and now I bet they feel stupid. No snow day, I still gotta go to school, and do all the other stuff.
I’ll try to have fun.
Maybe its because its Friday the 13th Twilight zone song
ha ha I got a snow day yesterday! there wasn’t alot of snow but it was extremely slippery. hooray