I was riding though south bank the other day and(I learnt to crank stall,sprained my wrist and got sevare chaffing) I met about 5 or so guys on there bikes I noticed One of them had snafu pedals on his bike and I asked how good they were and hey went on about the bites and the grip and hey said snafu stands for S(ituation) N(ormal) A(ll) F(*****) U§
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ can anyone here Prove/dis prove this
Im just curiuos:D
No idea. Are you in australia?
Did you mean south bank in melbourne? There’s alot of riders in melbourne and we meet up once a month at the museum.
Urban Dictionary seems to agree with that definition. Yeah, that’s what it means
lol, funny as
Yeah, that’s what it means, you’ll also find it in proper dictionaries, eg Oxford English etc.
nah south bank Brissy shame though
im from brisbane and i ride around south banka fair bit maybe ill c u around there one day
I knew the acronym all along. I guess it was some millitary slang or something. How about this one
Fubar-- F***** Up Beyond All Recognition
Nice people say “fouled”.
Situation Normal, All Fouled Up.
Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition.
I think FUBAR is now a cheeky brand name too, now.
Maybe you mean FUBU (black clothing: For Us, By Us)
<<F.U.B.A.R. International is the name of a film company founded in 1989 by several businessmen seeking adventure. They went on location to film natural disasters. Some of the disasters were artificially created, especially avalanches, which could be triggered by explosives. Company executives vacation in Vail, Colorado every year, and have become local celebrities. These days, F.U.B.A.R. International markets clothing and novelty items. >>