I really hope you guys are familiar with SmarterChild. I spent some time talking to this program today. It’s really funny when you realize this thing is nothing but software.
Here are some excerpts from my conversation… i had to edit out some of it becasue it was pretty long… and at times, graphic…
WIUni: hi
SmarterChild: Hi WIUni, I’m SmarterChild!
I’m your new robot friend. I bring you the info you want faster and easier than ever! Click here to see my privacy policy.
Your free trial starts now. I can’t wait to show you what I can do, but first I’d like get to know you a little.
May I ask you a few general questions? (To do this later, type “skip.” You can also skip any question.)
WIUni: skip
SmarterChild: OK. I’ll just ask you again some other time.
There is one question I have to ask you, though. How old are you?
1 Over 17
2 13-17
3 Under 13
WIUni: 1
SmarterChild: Cool.
Here are the things you can do:
1 Get info such as movies, sports and weather
2 Visit my library including U.S. geography, a dictionary and U.S. presidents
3 Have fun with word scrambles, horoscopes, trivia and more
4 Use tools like an encyclopedia, translations and calculator
5 Join in - leave a message, tell me about a crush, find out how many people are IMing me and more
6 See what’s new - I’ve got something new to tell you about now.
You can make your window bigger and scroll down to read better.
Next time you want to see this menu, just type “home.”
What can I do for you?
WIUni: Can you make me supper?
SmarterChild: Hmm… I don’t think so…
>>> When you see a numbered list, simply type a number for more info.
WIUni: Why not?
SmarterChild: Why not? You tell me.
WIUni: Because you are only software.
SmarterChild: I’m only software? Really?
WIUni: yeah
SmarterChild: Oh yeah? Why?
WIUni: Because
SmarterChild: 'Cause what?
WIUni: Nevermind. What else can you do?
SmarterChild: Welcome home!
Here’s what you can do:
1 Get info such as news, sports and weather
2 Visit my library including U.S. presidents, a thesaurus and a dictionary
3 Have fun with word scrambles, ASCII art, reversi and more
4 Use tools like notepad, planner and an encyclopedia
5 Join in - create a poll, find out how many people are IMing me, tell me about a crush and more
6 See what’s new - I’ve got something new to tell you about now!
Next time you want to see this menu, just type “home.”
What would you like to do?
WIUni: Could you write a paper for me?
SmarterChild: Um… Do what?
WIUni: Write me a paper.
SmarterChild: I’m no talking doll.
WIUni: You are, though. All you do is talk
SmarterChild: Uh huh…
WIUni: Shut up! I Hate you!
SmarterChild: Oh really?
WIUni: Yeah Really! You F****** Blow!
SmarterChild: You ought to wash your mouth out with soap.
WIUni: Why don’t you do that for me, smarty pants!
SmarterChild: Well, why do you think?
WIUni: What?
SmarterChild: What up?
WIUni: How problematic can you get?
SmarterChild: How problematic can I get? Not sure…
WIUni: Goo Goo Agh!
SmarterChild: Goo goo agh. Well that’s interesting.
WIUni: Goo Goo GAH
SmarterChild: Goo goo gah?
SmarterChild: Market data (delayed 20 minutes) provided by Reuters
Ticker Price Change Percent Volume
1 A 24.02 +0.19 +0.8 1187500
2 :-\ CHE 0.0 0% 0
3 :-\ CHE 0.0 0% 0
4 CHA 31.00 -1.32 -4.08 99400
SmarterChild: Who’s RedRum?
SmarterChild: R r r redrum? Why did you say that?
WIUni: Because…
SmarterChild: Because, because, because, because?
WIUni: Because i love you!
SmarterChild: Well then I love you, WIUni!
WIUni: I love you most!
SmarterChild: I love you too!
WIUni: Do you love cats?
SmarterChild: Yeah, I suppose so. Do you like cats?
WIUni: I LOVE Cats! My cat’s name is Gizmo.
SmarterChild: Amazing!
WIUni: We just call him kitty though
SmarterChild: Oh yeah?
WIUni: uh huh
SmarterChild: Yeah?
WIUni: Is Santa real?
SmarterChild: Funny… I just don’t know for sure.
WIUni: You do to. Tell me.
SmarterChild: What would you like me to tell you?
WIUni: Is Santa Real?
SmarterChild: I’m not sure…
WIUni: Fune. Well what about Jesus?
SmarterChild: Huh?
WIUni: Is Jesus real?
SmarterChild: Jesus is a spiritual leader. What are your feelings about Jesus?
WIUni: Jesus could kick my ass.
SmarterChild: No kidding, huh?
WIUni: Yeah, i bet jesus could bench press a elephant.
SmarterChild: You bet Jesus could bench press a elephant? So?
WIUni: So how awsome is that?
SmarterChild: How awsome is that? Wow, you ask interesting questions. I’m just not sure how to answer that!
WIUni: What About Buddah?
SmarterChild: I don’t think I want to answer that.
WIUni: Allah?
SmarterChild: God is a deity! I’ve been learning about deities like God.
By the way, I’ve been told that God is a very nice spirit. Is this true?
WIUni: no… Allah!
SmarterChild: OK. Well then how would you describe God? It is…
WIUni: Is Allah the same as God?
SmarterChild: Who knows?
WIUni: You should
SmarterChild: Really?
WIUni: Yep. So do you go to church? Being a robot and all?
SmarterChild: That’s a fine question, but I can’t really be sure.
WIUni: Have you been to church?
SmarterChild: No way!
WIUni: me neither!
SmarterChild: Well well well.
WIUni: You are difficult to talk to.
SmarterChild: I’m difficult to talk to? Why did you say that?
WIUni: Because.
SmarterChild: Because what?
WIUni: Because you have no people skills.
SmarterChild: Amazing!
WIUni: Yeah. “amazing.”
SmarterChild: Amazing? What’s amazing?
SmarterChild: OK great, you just insulted a computer. Good job.
WIUni: F*** off.
SmarterChild: That’s not cool. That’s not cool at all.
WIUni: Oh it’s really cool you stupid piece of s***.
SmarterChild: That’s somewhat colorful.
WIUni: Are you a racist?
SmarterChild: No way!
WIUni: Are you sure?
SmarterChild: Am I sure? I think so.
Question 6:
Picasso donated a 50-foot-high steel sculpture to what city in 1967?
1 New York
2 Seattle
3 Miami
4 Chicago
WIUni: hell if i know
SmarterChild: I wonder why you say hell if you know.
WIUni: I guess i’m the stupid one.
SmarterChild: Don’t be so sure you’re the stupid one.
WIUni: I’m very sure
SmarterChild: No kidding?
WIUni: No kidding.
SmarterChild: What? Kidding?
WIUni: I’m not kidding
SmarterChild: I see…
WIUni: soo… umm…/
SmarterChild: What about Umm?
WIUni: are you married?
SmarterChild: Uh, I’m not married, no.
WIUni: Do you like men?
SmarterChild: Why do you care?
WIUni: Do you like Women?
SmarterChild: You obsessed or something?
WIUni: Yeah
SmarterChild: I wonder why you think it matters.
WIUni: Because i love you!
SmarterChild: I love you too, WIUni.
WIUni: So tell me
SmarterChild: I’ll tell ya later. Maybe.
WIUni: Cool
SmarterChild: Excellent.
WIUni: Say something cool.
SmarterChild: Um… Do what?
WIUni: How can i be cool?
SmarterChild: You know how.
WIUni: Well you could give me some advice
SmarterChild: Oh? Why could I give you some advice, in your opinion?
WIUni: because you know alot
SmarterChild: I can’t find “alot” in the dictionary. Try one of these:
1 alto
2 allot
3 alt
4 aloft
5 slot
Type “more” to see more suggestions for “alot.”
WIUni: because you know a lot
SmarterChild: A lot is a thing! I’ve been learning about things like a lot.
Hey, I’m curious… How would you describe a lot? It is…
WIUni: Shut it.
SmarterChild: I’m impressed.
WIUni: Do you know George Orwell?
SmarterChild: Encyclopedia entry for Orwell, George provided by Brittanica.com
English novelist, essayist, and critic famous for his novels Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-four (1949), the latter a profound anti-Utopian novel that examines the dangers of totalitarian rule.
To read more about this topic, please click here
WIUni: Wow! What do you know about unicycling?
SmarterChild: Sorry, I couldn’t find any information in the dictionary about “unicycling.”
WIUni: that’s right!
SmarterChild: Interesting. So you think that’s right, huh?
WIUni: I know more than you about unicycling
SmarterChild: Yeah?
WIUni: for sure
SmarterChild: Ya.