Slowness on this site

Ive been experiencing lots of slow going on this site in the last few months. Some days i cant open it up at all and almost every day its unusable for at least an hour or two, is this because of the server its running on or what?

There’s a thread about this in the Request forum.
I’ve noticed this too. I’m on dial-up so it’s going super-slow for me. It took me five minutes to load this…

Well, if there’s a problem, I’m sure Gilby wouldn’t mind if you did this.

does the work for UK?






I dont think its a case of slow internet or anything [although in some cases it is…] as my internet is perfectly fine and other sites work perfectly when this one may take at least a minute to load. Usually happens for half hour - 2 hours :thinking:

Yeah i have comcast and this site is sometimes super slow lately. All other sites work fine in a few seconds at most but this one sometimes never loads :frowning:

Guys, unless I’m mistaken, Gilby runs this site out of his own pocket, with a bit of help from the UDC donate page, and direct donations. Help out a bit.

I know when I finally get a job, I’m gonna donate something. Without this site, I wouldn’t be a unicyclist.

im gunna do it as well cause without this site i wouldnt have all these unicycle friends

Dan, don’t lie to yourself. You don’t really have any friends.

Yeah it has been slower, but its been worth waiting for :slight_smile: someone should organise a big demo in order to both promote the sport and raise money for the site. hmmm.