Slice and Dice

Im not going to type much because its really slow typing one-handed…

Just now I cut open my hand and my knee again on a rock. My friend (also my neighbour) had made a big water slide out of plastic from his lawn down a steep little hill and into a creek that runs between our houses. I had been sliding on it for about 10 minutes when on one turn I came of my board (we were on boogie boards) and slid on my knees into the creek, hitting my knee on a rock, causing me to get flung foward putting my hand on another rock to stop myself…
I got up and my knee was a bit sore, looked down saw the hole/cut, and thought “oh bugger” then I walked around for a bit and looked at my hand and saw that was cut too… Anyway they started to bleed a lot so I went home, my parents said “not again” and reluctantly took me off to the after hours doctor, who luckily didn’t have to stitch it but put butterfly stitches on.
The funny thing was the cut on my knee was directly on the scar from when I cut it late last year…

Anyway now I can’t get them wet for two days and can’t do anything for 5 days…not to mention im going to wellington in 2 weeks for X*Air ( (We’re having a trilas comp).
So hopefully I heal quickly.

Boy that took ages to type…

Wow, you certainly are injury-prone. Good luck recovering, and good luck at X-Air.


daaaang, you get some of the worstest injuries. at least now you have a lot of war stories to tell! :wink:
anyway, get gooder soon.

I think your magneticly attracted to sharp rocks.

Get un-sliced-and-diced soon!

Cheers guys, I think its slowly getting better. Though this afternoon I kinda forgot about it and overly bent my knee and it started to bleed again, but now its all good.
Though I just noticed on my hand its not only the cut that hurts, but its swollen up and the bone hurts aswell, Im hoping its just bruised or something and not sprained or worse :astonished:
Yeah I do seem to be attracted to rocks lately, and up until I was 13 i didn’t have any serious injuries, obviously many scars, but nothing serious. Then, in the last three years i’ve severly broken my wrist, broken my nose twice, slit open my eyebrow, cut open my knee twice and now cut open my hand…along with many other odd scratches, scrapes, holes and pedal bites.
I think im going to get more carefull…
But like you said Mr Potter, I have many interesting war stories to tell.