slap happy

I have no idea who I’m slapping.
(soccer related)
It’s fun for alittle while :slight_smile:

I added to the guy with the most slaps.

whee, that was dumb! I got a 10 every time!

Yeah, that game is pretty dull after you do the first few 10’s. I find it more fun to try and go to a 1, 2, 3, 4 etc…

how reatrded I think you need tobe able to choose a weapon or somtin like a bat hit them

Re: slap happy

Aw, it’s not working for me. It comes up as an “Under Construction” page. I keyed in on the soccer reference since we’re a year-round soccer family.


Re: Re: slap happy

It’s gone now… I would guess a change of hosts was needed or something because of a large volume of traffic.

under construction for me too.

I thought this was going to be about this:

I knew those mobile phones cause brain damage.
