
Hey guys, I’ve been practicing filming and editing on non uni related stuff, so I thought I’d post it here anyways.

very nice i love to slackline

Nice edit. Was that a unicycle in the bottom of the frame for a bit? :sunglasses:

Slackline is on my todo list. Did you find it easier to do as a unicyclist?

Kinda. I had the core mussels so that made it easyish. It’s like unicycling it take practice


Nah just kidding. I am a slacker too, sometimes, when I get around to it.

I notice that most people in videos seem to wear shoes, I can’t seem to wear shoes when I slack, some sort of weird confidence thing I think. I actually just bought a pair of neoprene 5-fingers today so I can start slacking again without having to wait for the snow to melt.

What do you use to tighten your line? Biners? Ratchet? I couldn’t really tell in your video but whatever you did you did something right, that line was TIGHT!

The Slack-line was tight, and that’s a good thing?

I’m getting old.

Cool video. I liked the nice and calm edit. Was the blurring done in editing or on your camera? Slacklining looks like a lot of fun!

Went slacklining for the first time this year today. Took me a few tries to get across a 9m line. I blame the shoes. I’m used to barefoot, but it’s still too cold.

Try a pair of wrestling boots or the neoprene 5-fingers that Sask. mentioned above. I’m not very good on the line, but when I do attempt to get up on one I always wear my wrestling boots which really help protect my toes from getting tangled up & broken. The sole of the boots is pretty flexible & allows you to get a good feel of the line. Keeps your feet warm too.

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

The line is my friend’s so I’ve only been on it about 6 times, but I think unicycling has helped me because I can now walk across it and jump on it fairly easily. But then again, I have nobody to compare to, because Iain is also a unicyclist…

Umm… Most of the blur was from the camera when it wasn’t in focus, but at one point I added some more for fun. hahaha

I’ve never tried it without shoes, but I can see how it would be easier to grip on to. I was using skate shoes and didn’t really have any problems though.

As for the tightness of the line, this is the line he has it comes with a nice ratchet.

I don’t have any of those and not about to buy them. I’ll just slackline barefoot once it’s warm enough. Wore a pair of hiking boots yesterday. The grip was very good, but since the sole is so thick my feet wanted to roll at every opportunity. Also, couldn’t feel the line at all.

How about warm socks wrapped in plastic bags?

I’m glad you said what I was thinking :slight_smile:

You try it and let me know how it goes.

Not much of a slacker I’m afraid, just thnking warmth (check) waterproof (check) feel-thru-soles (check).

Three strikes, I’m out of here.

Also slippery, I imagine. Slip, ouch. Brain damage(check).

A few dabs of glue then, that will improve traction :slight_smile:

Slipper socks?

Plastic on the inside. Feet still dry, socks wet?

Don’t mind me, I’m just trying to get you to buy wrestling shoes.

Or some barefoot running shoes?

I’ll just stick to my stockings and high heels, thank you very much.