Slackers unicycle scene

I’m sure most of you have seen the movie Slackers. It features a crazy stalker kid and a great scene of him falling behind the campus wobble of uni. I took the liberty of recording just that piece and divx’s it. Check it out if you haven’t seen it.

One of the riders was on a Coker. Everyone else was on standard 24’s. What’s up with that?

I’ve seen the movie a lot, mostly because I watch Comedy Central a lot. I always thought it was a cool, and funny movie.

That is me riding my coker in that film.
I brought a 24 inch wheel, and the 36 inch coker to filming and requested that I ride the big one (just to be different) and the director allowed it

a guy at the juggling club brought me a dvd copy of the movie a couple of weeks ago to check out the unicycling scene
i only bought a dvd player last week so i’ve just seen the scene and now suddenly this thread pops up

chrissublime, how did the unicycling scene come about?
is the director or one of the writers a a unicyclist?

I remember when they were shooting that it got posted on teh board. I was only 17 at the time so they couldn’t use me. More recently, when all I was doing was professional extra work they needed unicyclists for a circus scene for CSI: NY so I called for it but they never called me back the jerks.

I think I heard about it on the alt.rec.unicycling newsgroup. At first they asked for a unicyclist to train an actor how to ride. Then a month or two later they asked for unicyclists. The actor Jason Schwartzman (Nicholas Cage’s cousin) made a futile attempt at riding on filming day. He hadnt finished learning how to ride yet. There was an extra who was his exact same height and build , so he is wearing the same clothes and is a “stunt double” for him in the movie.

No idea about the second question, or why unicycling was part of Ethan’s character.

dont believe it