
Have any of you been skydiving before? I’m very interested in trying it.

i would but i have a bad case of Acrophobia9fear of heights) i almost passed out on the power tower at cedar point

I did one static line jump some years ago. It didn’t scare/thrill me enough to make me want to do another. Interesting day though.


You folks want to get in touch with Patmoore.

I have a friend who fell in love with it. He is always trying to get me to go with him, I just have never wanted to dish out the almost 200 dollars that is cost, just to jump tandum. He ended up spending pretty much every thing he made, for a year and a half, on going to the drop zone and jumping. In the end he came out with his license and his own chute. He now is a few weeks away from gettting his helio license… guess he really likes it up there.
Anyway from what I know the pople you meet there, that do it, LOVE it. If you like being around people that love what they do, it can be like a hook in you. I like thinking of it like skiing or snowboarding, you have yer lift up and you get to take your ride down(once you have your own rig and can jump alone that is… not a cheap place to get.

My uncle has done it and told me all about it, which is what got me interested. He didn’t have to jump tandum, he used one of the chutes that open automatically after a 4 or 5 second freefall or something.

I’d love to do it. I think it would be absolutely awesome.

As much as i would like to experience this i dont think i will EVER be able to.
Last year a friend who had been skydiving for years went for a jump…
To cut a long story short his emergency chute didnt open and he died - doing something he loved.
I would love to know what the thrill that he died for feels like but i think i will never be able to get the courage.
If you feel like you can do it i say go for it - i envy you.

thats like my worst nightmare…

I’ve done it a few times.

A lot of people with a fear of heights in buildings or on cliffs are totally OK with flying & skydiving.

Oh, by a few I mean 1,130-ish :slight_smile:

p.s. see my signature link.

That’s funny, I love that ride. Was it the shooting up one or the dropping one?

same here

the dropping. i got in line with my friends, and they were like, no you’ll be fine we’re going on the shooting one. well they lied, and you know the wait at the top before the drop? thats what did me in.

Yeah, I did 3 static line jumps. The best part was standing out on the step of plane holding the wing strut. Jumping off was surprising easy. I didn’t have great form, kicked a bit. Once the chute opened (which was immediately), seemed boring. As landing, always wondered if I’ll break my leg. Just like the freshman dorm room friend who rallied us all into taking lessons. He still walks with the limp.

It was ok, I just never got comfortable enough with the risks. Especially since my form was not perfect. It just seems to me that if your going to jump out of a plane, you’ll want to be great at the basics.

It’s a shame you never experienced a decent time in freefall.
I also wouldn’t be too thrilled with a static line jump.
Although it’s not really about the scare/thrill. It’s really about flying about with your friends.

I’m sorry for your loss.
I would like to mention reserve malfunctions are extremely rare though.

Most of the fatalities these days are from badly executed landings on high performance canopies.

“If sitting in an aeroplane is flying, then sitting in a boat is swiming.”

i would love to wing suit