Skrobo's Happy Birthday Thread (he's gonna be 18)

well it’s a few hours early but he said he wanted a brithday thread and here it is! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKROBO!!! have a good 18th birthday… I’m going to bed now (it’s 10 pm here almost) happy birthday in a few hours!!!

10 minutes left lol.

Happy Birthday.



good job being 18 and all.

i repeat, w00t.


I’m 18!!!

edit: woulda been better 1 min ago

I dont know 1 minute means that it is now your birthday. 1200 could still be counted as yesterday. Which is still today for me but whatever. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday Skrobo. If there is cake, can i have some. :smiley: :smiley:

Take care

fixed :smiley:

:smiley: But i get to have cake 1st regardless. :smiley:

Happy Birthday!!! :smiley: :slight_smile:

Why do people keep poasting that?

Happy Birthday!!!

I wanna know too.

Anyway Happy birthday!!!

the game is the game, you think about it you loose

i just lost the game, thanks a lot

ps hapy birthda man, your almost 20 thats like an old man

HB man HB…

haha sure you guys can have some cake, jsut come over!!!

–first post from my laptop–

and yes, that was my post
i was being weird and logged in as skroboskim cuz I havn’t logged in in SOOO long.

now i lost the game as well THANKS !

happy birthday !

Happy Birthday, man!!