Skinny Worthy Of Kris Holm?

the following photos are of me doing a skinny downtown Wellington, NZ. a very rough approximation on width is 20cm. to the right there is a 3 storey drop to a concrete balcony, and a all up 5 storey drop to the road. and it was windy :smiley:

worthy of kris holm? ( i know heā€™d do it if it was like 10cm wide :P)

holy crap dude that is awesome but i sure hope you know your limitsā€¦

well done, great pictures too


yeah, i dont think im going to go any skinnier / higher for a while. i might do it a few more times, but i think iā€™ll wait until i get a years experience under my belt :slight_smile:

Wow, youā€™re brave. I wouldnā€™t do that, but my reasoning behind it is that itā€™s a stupid way to die, and also itā€™s not fun (for me) and doesnā€™t improve my skill.

As for whether or not Kris Holm would ride that, Iā€™m not sure. Last I heard I thought heā€™d stopped doing stuff like that, but I could be wrong. Ryan Atkins, on the other handā€¦ Just go buy the DVD Spaced Out. That will give the rest of the story.

yeah, it was kind of stupid. i will say fun to some extent, i like to push my fears, it gives me a kind of rush. Kris Holm has stopped you say? hmm, i think Spaced Out might be worth a look

i hate to say it but i dont think going higher is going to increase the danger that much :stuck_out_tongue:

was that ryan riding that skinny in the trailer for spaced out?


hehehe it might not, but it will be more of a thrill.

i havent seen the trailer yetā€¦so i dunno

I think Kris has simply stopped risking his life to ride skinnies. He still rides though.

I donā€™t think ryan rides that skinny in the trailer for spaced out, since spaced out only takes place in North America. Just get it, itā€™s worth the money.

I think thats the one hes talking about.

Kris said he stopped because he has a family.

Edit: Stopped doing death defying stuff that is.

I think they meant falling down from something higher. That matters a lot!

I guess you donā€™t need a helmet for a drop of that heightā€¦ :slight_smile:

Unfortunately what you were missing was a more worthy camera. Are those phone pictures?

I did a similar ride once, but only about 6-8 meters high, and a wall about the same width. Iā€™m glad I made it!

yeah, it was a spur of the moment thing, and since kiwi unicyclists arent required by law to wear helmets, i wasnt. i really should have been though.

the pictures are still frames from a video taken on a digital camera, when i get a chance i will get some better photos taken.

I donā€™t think a helmet would have made much difference from that hieght - but nice stuff, Iā€™ll have to see that one for myself at the uni weekend :smiley:

hahah yeah man, iā€™ll probably be either

1 foot riding it
Wheel Walking it

or dead :stuck_out_tongue:

should be a great weekend, its eating a lot of my time organising it hehe

I was there, it really was quite windy and extremely high.

Joe rode another mortally humbling skinny previously that night, a ledge on a bridge over a busy mainroad. I think Iā€™d be even LESS likely to attempt the mainroad one than the one in the photos! The mainroad one involved riding along a skinny that had a more than slight ā€œupside down Vā€ shaped camber to it so would have been that much harder to go straight.

I canā€™t think what the likelihood of a good rider falling off a skinny like this would be, perhaps Joe would be capable of riding along a same width plank again and again, all day long if it were on the ground? But it becomes a lot more interesting when youā€™re 5 stories high. Would the chance of a fall decrease or increase?

For an experienced rider, with little fear, perhaps itā€™s as safe as driving on a motorway without a seatbelt? When driving, if you lose your nerve and cross that line to your right (or in America, left), youā€™re gonna hit the oncoming traffic and dieā€¦ do you have the nerve to keep that steering wheel straight? Well do you? What about if itā€™s windy and the carā€™s swerving and you have to battle to keep it straightā€¦ what if itā€™s a windy road with a cliff face of a drop on the other side?

I think itā€™s ok to very carefully, after cautious mainainace checks of the uni and making sure as little as possible can go wrong, occasionally do these things, but only out of ā€œnecessityā€ (eg. extreme videoes). I think if the ā€œdeath defying skinnysā€ become a bit of a routine for you then something is a lot more likely to go wrong and if it does, itā€™s unfair to your friends/family and yourself to go out like that.

O man, I have to go get ready for this weekends trials compā€¦ gotta leave in half an hour and I havenā€™t packed anything! Wish us luck!


if someone wants to log a record

it came to my mind there is a really long skinny
south of Paris (18km long!)ā€™HUI.html
and here

the place exists and is unused!

bear (not willing to make an entry into the guinness book of records)

shudder. Joe is crazy :roll_eyes:

But without trying to tell you guys not to kill yourselves- cos itā€™s your life :sunglasses: (so long as it doesnā€™t happen on the NZ Uni weekend); I think you should avoid that particular skinny over the busy main road. Because if you f*&$ed up you not only take yourself out, youā€™ll probably drop a unicycle onto someones windscreen from 5 meters up which will not be a pretty sight.

Good luck for the trials weekend.


i think kris is alot smarter about those things. in all of his old movies i beleive he just did it for a sort of drama effect, and get you on the edge of your seat, i dont beleive we would just do that for giggles or practice.

That would be a very Darwin-Award-esque death scene, though.