People what’s your best? Bost if you want. Sall Good.
Best Freestyle: 720 Unispin
Riding Style: One Foot Coast
Rolling Jump: 5 Stairs
I don’t know. Those are the most showy things I have. I also like trails and a lot of street. Just stuff like that.
Best Freestyle: 1 foot idle (or riding, whats harder?)
Best ‘trick’: 180 unispin
Rolling jump: 7 stair
rolling hop: 48cm (haven’t tried higher yet)
side hop: 48cm
Biggest drop: 6 ft
Best rail: about 1 meter high, 20 meters long and 15cm wide
Best street trick: grinding
Freestyle: 180 uni spin(barely)
rolling hop:18 inches,&up 2 stairs(on a 24")
trials:1 inche skinie(so what if its only 1 foot of the ground)
MUni(?):how would you rate this?
stair rolling hop: 12
stair side hop:6
grind: 9 feet ( i landed it to booom shock a locka)
drop:8 feet
freestyle: wheel walk
trials: 2 inch skinny 5 feet off the ground and downhill
Greatest attempt: backflip ( i did the entire flip plus some onto my back :p)
Of all the freestyle I can do, the hand wheel walk probably has the most points on the standard skill list.
I can do a little handride though, and I think that’s a bit harder.
My best mount is side mount leg around once, but I’ve only managed it twice.
Gliding downhill is probably my most impressive skill unless I count coasting which I still can’t do for more than 4-5 meters.
Best dismount is falling directly into handstand.
What exactly is “one foot coast?” Do you mean coasting leg extended?
Mount: Side mount, but only about 1 in 10 attempts.
Dismount: Backwards jump to arse [while trying to learn to ride backwards :(].
Drop: About 6" probably.
Grind: 15 foot face grind.
Still practising - determined to be idling before the SW Uni meet on 23rd!
Yeah, I meant one foot coast leg extended. And also my stair jump is upwards. Ryan Atkins does it in Spacedout. I just nailed up this crazy rail grind at out skatepark yesterday. Upon landing though i hyper extended my ankel. So i’m out for now. My best 360 off something would be a picnic table, kinda the same run dan heaton does in U2. It’s a good run.
Freestyle: plain 180 unispin
Mount: rolling suicide
trick: gliding, crazy fun
most fun: Riding down the Ubehebe Crater(California, Death Valley) some photographers thought I was nuts, I suggest that everyone should go down there with there uni, there is the Crater, the wonder mine, the boardwalk, and Scotty’s Castle, there all crazy fun to ride.
oh… and I never go down much more than eight steps cause then you lose control and end up in Urgent Care.
I can ride forwards, backwards, one footed, idle. Hops are like pogo stick and probably like 3 inches high, rolling hop is just enough to impress people who don’t unicycle. Drops are off curbs, or off the unicycle. I can ride seat out for a few revs and seat on stomach for a few more. Plus I can turn on my red, orange, and blue hokey spokes, turn the unicycle upside down, and spin the tire, this looks best at night though.