
People what’s your best? Bost if you want. Sall Good.

Best Freestyle: 720 Unispin
Riding Style: One Foot Coast
Rolling Jump: 5 Stairs
I don’t know. Those are the most showy things I have. I also like trails and a lot of street. Just stuff like that.

Best Freestyle: 1 foot idle (or riding, whats harder?)
Best ‘trick’: 180 unispin
Rolling jump: 7 stair
rolling hop: 48cm (haven’t tried higher yet)
side hop: 48cm
Biggest drop: 6 ft
Best rail: about 1 meter high, 20 meters long and 15cm wide
Best street trick: grinding

hmmm - can anybody think of any other categories?

when i first saw this i swallowed my gum. then i realized that you meant jumping down stairs, and i coughed the gum back up.

freestyle: gliding

mount: kickup

trials/street: riding down 8 stairs

rail: 15 cm, 3 meter drop on one side and walkway with other banister on other side. 8 meters long?

drop: 5 feet on kh24



Freestyle: 180 uni spin(barely)
rolling hop:18 inches,&up 2 stairs(on a 24")
trials:1 inche skinie(so what if its only 1 foot of the ground)
MUni(?):how would you rate this?

stair rolling hop: 12
stair side hop:6
grind: 9 feet ( i landed it to booom shock a locka)
drop:8 feet
freestyle: wheel walk
trials: 2 inch skinny 5 feet off the ground and downhill
Greatest attempt: backflip ( i did the entire flip plus some onto my back :p)

Of all the freestyle I can do, the hand wheel walk probably has the most points on the standard skill list.
I can do a little handride though, and I think that’s a bit harder.
My best mount is side mount leg around once, but I’ve only managed it twice.
Gliding downhill is probably my most impressive skill unless I count coasting which I still can’t do for more than 4-5 meters.
Best dismount is falling directly into handstand.

What exactly is “one foot coast?” Do you mean coasting leg extended?

Mount: Side mount, but only about 1 in 10 attempts.
Dismount: Backwards jump to arse [while trying to learn to ride backwards :(].
Drop: About 6" probably.
Grind: 15 foot face grind.

Still practising - determined to be idling before the SW Uni meet on 23rd!



Yeah, I meant one foot coast leg extended. And also my stair jump is upwards. Ryan Atkins does it in Spacedout. I just nailed up this crazy rail grind at out skatepark yesterday. Upon landing though i hyper extended my ankel. So i’m out for now. My best 360 off something would be a picnic table, kinda the same run dan heaton does in U2. It’s a good run.

I cant even do a 360 off somthing.I have to prehop.

Re: Skill


Freestyle: plain 180 unispin
Mount: rolling suicide
trick: gliding, crazy fun
most fun: Riding down the Ubehebe Crater(California, Death Valley) some photographers thought I was nuts, I suggest that everyone should go down there with there uni, there is the Crater, the wonder mine, the boardwalk, and Scotty’s Castle, there all crazy fun to ride.
oh… and I never go down much more than eight steps cause then you lose control and end up in Urgent Care.

I’m the only one in my neck o’ the woods who can glide, pedal grab, and hop seat out (better than seat in).

Actually, one of us just learned to glide, and another just learned to pedal grab. But I was the first…

Today I saw a 720 unispin performed by Shaun Johanneson.
Never seen it before.

I can ride forwards, backwards, one footed, idle. Hops are like pogo stick and probably like 3 inches high, rolling hop is just enough to impress people who don’t unicycle. Drops are off curbs, or off the unicycle. I can ride seat out for a few revs and seat on stomach for a few more. Plus I can turn on my red, orange, and blue hokey spokes, turn the unicycle upside down, and spin the tire, this looks best at night though.

Catorgorize at will,

