we are level 5/6 unicyclists. What level are you? Don’t forget to tell us how long you have been unicycling for as well. We have been riding for 11 months.
5 almost 6 11 monthes also. one year in the end of may
come on you lot. lots of you have looked at this thread so start replying it only takes two seconds.
I am level zero. I am sick of people replying to threads in the main forum with the reply “Search for the answer there has been heaps of threads on this already” but in this case I am almost tempted to use it as a reply. It usually takes about as much effort to answer somebody’s question as it does to tell them to go look somewhere else so it is a funny response.
If I was to be tested I could get to lvl 5 and if I practised a few things like seat out and mounts I could probably get lvl 6. I can now wheel walk, one foot wheel walk, and glide, which are skills that I thought would hold me back if I was to be tested for skill levels.
Edit I’ve been riding since 1996- so about 9 years I think. It took me longer to reply than two seconds too.
I’m around, ehh, level fiveish. But I can do quite a few skills above level five, like glide, and unispin, and… seat drag, that’s in there somewhere right?
But I ride MUni/Trials, so I don’t pay tooo much attention to the freestyle skills.
Level 5 with extra skills like gliding, 1ft ww, etc.
In case anyone reading this thread is wondering what a skill level is- here is a link to the Unicycling Skill levels. After looking at the levels again I think the ones I would struggle with most are riding with the seat on the side. I haven’t practised it much but when I tried it my legs kept hitting the tire- you have to squat quite low for it to work. I just realised I have my first level ten skill- wheel walking one footed in a circle isn’t that hard!
level 4 or so~
I have officially passed level seven.
I’m working on levels eight through ten, hoping to pass level ten eventually.
The only tricks I can’t do at all are the backward pirouette and the transition to side ride. My backward spin is probably not tight enough for level eight yet, and I can’t pirouette three full revolutions yet. All the other skills I have done at least once the full distance (or close too it, sometimes it’s hard to tell if I got the full ten meters) or figure with the transitions, but some of them (bwd 1ft 8) only once. Getting consistent on the level nine and ten skills will probably be the hardest part.
I have been riding since late October 2003.