Skill Level Contents finished

Take out the grind, and call the levels flatland. Grinding is the only street trick in there.

There are well over 50 (probably more than 100) people that can do all of level 9. Heck, I can do some of the level 9 tricks.

I think you meant unicycle clubs/coaches. What I meant by teachers is actual teachers in regular schools. We need skill levels geared toward that environment, to attract more riders from what could be a vast resource of enthusiasts. In school programs, there’s a lot less time available to practice (within school hours), so small increments are needed.

I could do all of the tricks in Level 9 of the old Freestyle levels. They even used me for Level 9 in the Skill Levels video. But I never passed Level 8. The idea of levels is not for the last one to be beyond top riders. Instead, it’s to point the way for newer riders. Face it – you’re an expert. :slight_smile: For riders at your level and above, you shouldn’t need levels. From there you work on new stuff; what nobody’s thought of yet.

You’re a legend! That doesn’t count :stuck_out_tongue: I’m really not close to an expert, thanks though. Krisz, Will, Eli, the Pohams, those are the guys that are really pushing things.

Now that I think about this more, I feel like rolling wrap and backroll should be added to level 4, and the levels should end there. And maybe take off 270 unispin. Those tricks are kinda the basics of street/flat, and from there there are so many different directions you can go that it’s kind of silly to consolidate them into one list. Some street riders will never try a varial roll, some flat riders will never try a 360 hoptwist. But with a basis through about level 4, a rider has a good foundation to branch into whatever style they want.

I agree with this. After building a solid, consistent foundation a flat rider’s goal should be to individualize his or her style as much as possible. I suppose one could argue that after hitting level 9 would be an appropriate time to start branching off, but for me that almost seems “late.”

I don’t see the point in discussing what should be changed in it now, when they’ve annouced that they’ve finished it. all suggestions and that should have been said before hand? :confused: