Skiing Discussion Thread

i so love skiing, my family goes to whistler each year! so good

skiing backwards is the bomb also

Good to see this thread bumped. New Zealand ski season is just starting. My Mum’s working up at our club field this year so I’m gonna be staying there every Friday and Saturday night. Gonna be mean!

I’m so amped for the ski season. It’s looking good so far for snow too.

Great way to start off the season, Colorado is skiing GREAT right now…


This Morning:

Last Sunday:

Great idea for a thread!

Another skier / boarder here - been at it since I was around 10 years old. I’m currently planning a ski trip to the French Alps (not sure exactly where yet) for end of January / beginning of Feb next year. Good times! :smiley:

I love skiing and snowboarding. They both have their merits, although if I had to pick one I’d probably go for skiing as I’m a bit of a speed freak when it comes to snow.

Sick, my 2 year old thread got bumped! lol.

I’m so jealous, might be going to Switzerland to ski this february though. Never skied outside of New Zealand so it’s gonna be a huge eye-opener.