Skatesnowparkuniscooter bails video

So I just worked to make a bails video, love it, hate it, whatever, there you go,

OMG :astonished:

idk man…
nice compilation, but the music is terrible. :slight_smile:


OUCH! :astonished: My balls still hurt after the bail at 1:48!
Nice video, btw, I enjoyed it.

awesome video !!!:):slight_smile:
very good bails in it :smiley:

Jackie’s was by far the gnarliest bail in the vid. Nice compilation.

naww… the roller bladers were pretty bad…


I kinda wanna stay home this vacation instead of snowboarding
those bails looked nasty

you know… i watch videos like max’s and they make me wanto to ride harder… then i see videos like this and it makes me want to forget the whole thing…


jackie… your awesome

then your a pussy :slight_smile: these vids motivate me, dont forget, its 10% luck, 20% skillz, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% PAIN and a 100% reason to remember the name.
btw, when you saw BAILS VIDEO you could just not watch, not my problem if you did, and oh.

no problemo :wink:

Man, that song sucks.

first off… good referance…

second, i new it was a bails video… i guess i was expecting more unicycle :wink:

I am no stranger to te pain… its just a demotivater

Take up flatland :stuck_out_tongue:


haha, those bails are pretty hard.