yea, so, post any tips or questions you have about skateboarding…
I need help doing ollie norths, were you ollie, and take your front foot off the board. my front foot isn’t coming off.
yea, so, post any tips or questions you have about skateboarding…
I need help doing ollie norths, were you ollie, and take your front foot off the board. my front foot isn’t coming off.
yea, I didn’t even look at the video. sk8ting’s fun though]
I’m into miniramp and street skating
Hey Miles, if you go to an actual skateboard forum you would get more help. Asking for skating help on a unicycling forum isn’t that great of an idea because there are only a few of you guys on here;)
yea, but who wants to go onto a skateboard forum. EWWW:)
hahahaha i actually did “lol” on this comment
so did I. I like this forum more:)
place your front foot on the part where the board starts to curve up to the nose. ollie like normal. the rest should be a natural reaction. your front foot will slide up over the nose come off the board then your natural instinct is to put it back on the board. that’s about it!
yay!. I’ll practise a bit later today.
i’m thinking abotu getting into skating too, even after i watched that gruesome video, it looks cool because a skateboard is more portable than a unicycle