Skate parks that don't allow unicycles

My brother is an agressive skater so he likes skate parks. One time I went to see if I could unicycle in the skate park. The owner said no. Please reply if you have been segregated because of your love for unicycling.

I’ve never really been completly shut out of a park, but usually guys on bikes or boards will give me the boot. I usually have to just stay off to the side a play on the little boxes that nobody goes near. If I go out into the middle or onto any of the ramps, they really don’t like that.

Australian skaters must be friendlier than those where you are. They don’t mind us unicycling in skate parks at all. But I guess I do tend to keep out of the way a lot.


People just don’t understand unicyclists. We are like leppers. Completely isolated from civilazation, and only comphorted by the other leppers. I shed a tear for unicyclists.

Now that I think about it I do a little skateboarding, but nothing amounts up to unicycling.

I’m board. If you look at this you must reply. NOW!!!

Hmmm. Multiple posts talking to yourself. “I’m board. …leppers, civilazation, comphorted…”. Logan, is that you buddy?

No im not segregrated from parks usually. Today i was at a park and the police didn’t care but the security card did. As for other riders they usually don’t care because I stay out of there way and they stay out of my way. Also For any riders at parks I found that you just have to prove yourself to them to earn their respect.


I would try just going to public parks if you cannot explain to the owner why you should, in a nice and persuasive way( did someone say fudge brownies:p ). If not there are tons of skate parks out there, and really they all arent that great i fing city trials to be alot more interesting then riding skateparks. Think of the whole world as your own skatepark to ride and roam.

No I’m not Logan. But I do enjoy talking to myself. I have a dinosaur puppet that I talk to when I’am lonely.

Great line. I should make that my new signature line, but I like my current one too much. Great line Catboy. --chirokid–

What is yor current one? I need help coming up with one.



You really shouldnt be padding your posts as a respected person like you deserves more adequate image. Here’s someone who cares.

I am pretty sure it isn’t the unicycle causing you to be treated as a leper.
Personally, I wouldn’t really want to mix it up at a skate park. Wouldn’t mind trying a skate park out, but not with bikes and skateboards speeding around. It just seems like a master plan for disaster. Besides you can make great trials stunts at home with scrap wood that should challange you plenty.

Well i don’t think people go to skateparks for trials because like catboy said there is plenty of trials riding you can do outside a skaetepark but people go there for street for grinding and stairs and stuff.

hmmmm… a new use making multiple posts for no appraent reason and making refrence to Logan…very strange, i woder waht this all means.

as for skate parks, the one by me is publicly owned so there is no issue with the owner, i have been once but people don’t really like me being in the way so i just don’t bother.

I’ve been to three different skate parks with no problems. They’re terrible if crowded but if traffic is light I go for it. I’m no more in the way than the kids on their 20" BMX bikes.

What’s nice is my son can ride his Razor scooter around while I practice. There are usually stairs to hop up and ride down, a variety of drops, and wide skinnies to grab, go to rubber, and ride.

Last week I was working on failed grinds and towards droping into the 1/4 pipe, maybe next time I’ll make the full drop.

BTW, except for the superflous posts this type of topic should go in RSU.

The bmxers own the skate park near my house, but it’s cool cause I know them all and they think I’m the craziest. just get to know them then everything will be fine. Or is it like a pay skate park, cause in that case I have no idead they have the right to refuse service to anyone, but if it’s just a regualr one unless their gonna jump you don’t worry about it just mess around and learn huge shit.

ethel don’t go out, and write crap in other peoples posts, they could care less about our dispute. Sorry guys.
