
How can i convince my sister too learn to unicycle

Put a gun to her head.

wot is it with u and guns today… lay off the counter strike for abit ivan…

And uhm… if she doesnt want to she wont. But my sister decided at christams she wanted to try… eventually i’m sure she’ll try it just for a laugh. But since unicycling takes abit of guts and practice unless she wants to she wont…

she is my fricken twin sister im not gonna put a gun to her head

The most likely way is to tell her that she can’t. Tell her she won’t be able to do it. It’s not something for girls.

Then make sure you leave your uni somewhere that she can find it whenever you go out.


I assume you must have done this before… i like your thinking.

ha ill try that

Without actually saying so out loud, act as if there is an unspoken assumption that she couldn’t do it if she wanted to.

Be mildly reluctant to let her have a go on yours.

Casually mention something you’ve read in this forum by Cathwood or Naomi or one of the other female riders - not making a point about them being female, but just using their names in conversation.

If that fails, find a boy she fancies and offer to teach him to ride. (The unicycle, I meant.)

Can’t she see how much fun you have when you ride?

shes like dieing to try skateboarding cause her boyfriedn does that

skateboarding is fun.

Actually, my younger sister learned how to ride before I did. Watching her learn gave me the motivation to try and stick to it long enough to learn. I had actually tried before she learned, but never was able to do it.

But it’s all about motivation. If she can’t find the motivation then there’s little chance you can instill that in her.

My girlfriend is currently trying to learn and it’s kinda funny how that worked. I didn’t try to convince her it would be a good idea, I just let her ask questions and it got her intrigued. Now she’s doing quite well and can make 3 or 4 assisted pedals (her hand on my shoulder). And she’s learning on a 26er with 125mm cranks.

Convince her boyfriend to take up uni.

i cant

Put a gun to his head.


I’ll leave you all with that charming mental image.

ivan really has got this convincing thing downpacked.

although it would be better if you tied their feet to the pedals, then started shooting at them - they’d get the jist of it pretty quick

just hint to her boyfriend that he couldn’t ride if he tried, and then he might try

then you tell her the same thing and you’ll have both of them riding

I skate boarder being able to uni!
hahahahahaha :smiley:

id do that