juggling, too. and dancing elephants.
check it out
cool, huh?
james…you must be very bored…bet yeah ive seen that a million times…acctually in one episode homer alludes to the fact that bart rides a unicycle or at least tried to.
I watched a episode of family guy and they had a unicycle in that aswell
I’m a dancing elephant
This is what happens when Alex runs out of stuff to do on spring break
elephant.bmp (238 KB)
wow man!!
I never knew!
i’ve seen unicycles on the simpsons a few times,
once on x’mas ned flanders gets one, and homer see’s him throught the window riding it.
They appear quite a bit.
I have also seen them on futurama, when bender, leela and fry (i think) are tryin to get out of old new york, bender unicycles across a plank of wood very high in the air.
also in… accually i dont know the name… its like perfect hair forever… its a weird show on adult swim… they had a silloetter of an apperent trials unicycle… it was laying up against the side of a wall… it was pretty cool