Sigline Justification

I, for one, am not doing this for childish reasons. If anyone remembers a while ago when a couple of people had the really long annoying text sigs (like mine), they will feel my pain. There have been no problems with these in a while. I never felt the images were a problem, even in the months before I had one (I only got mine a few weeks ago).

I just did this to show that there are worse things out there than images. I wouldn’t mind having no signatures at all.


Although it may be annoying. We are trying to get something back that was completely unnessescary to take. We want freedom from the chains of oppression. To prevent some of you from being angry I have provided some common sense for you to look at:

You are spamming us. You have used the exact same paragraph or two in three different messagaes I’ve noticed. Becasuse this is the JC forum that’s no big deal. Just another potential annoyance on top of the one we’re talking about. I could post the same block of text in my message bodies if I wanted. But I don’t feel the need.

Hopefully you have already read Harper’s post explaining how you have absolutely no rights here. You want rights? Get your own forum. Simple as that. As a user here, you have responsibilities. Signature images were turned off because the owner felt it was the right thing to do. I assume he did this based on what he thinks a majority of users recommended. Even if they didn’t, it’s still his call.

Turning off signatures is not a solution to you guys junking them up. Most of us try to have useful sigs. Based on your logic, Gilby should turn them off altogether. Your ugly sigs are still going to be there for the vast majority of people, who use this community as a source of information. They don’t take the time to play with all the controls. You are lowering the quality of this community for them, and everyone else.

You want something from Gilby? Email him directly. If you really just want to show off to the rest of us, admit it.

Just making sure everyone sees my stance, sorry about the “spamming.”

We have been talking with Gilby.

Sure you can turn off signatures, but then you’ll miss out on seeing the ones that are actually useful (ie. people linking to clubs, organisations, movies they’ve just made, albums, etc, etc).

You may not see this as an attack on the rest of the users but the truth is it’s probably affecting us more than the person you’re trying to get through to.


I think you caused more damage by trying to make your point. If the ignore lists were up and running, you’d be on mine.

Thank the heavens they are not working! I don’t know what I would do if you couldn’t read my posts.

Hopefully ignore lists will be back soon. Even though they aren’t active, you can still prepare to ignore
Obie by clicking here and Catboy by clicking here.

I’m actually quite surprised. This is the online equivalent of a temper tantrum, and on any other website I’d expect both accounts to be banned by now…

I know everything is up to Gilby, but in case he sees this, I think a 500 characters and no images should be more than enough for any valid signature.

Actually, for anyone who still wants to ignore me, that would be Obie by clicking here. Now that the signature is gone, I don’t think anyone should need to ignore me, but anyone who wants to hold it against me can click that link.

Hehe… sometimes it’s fun to have the power. :sunglasses:

I never expected that little “switch” would have such an effect. My instinct in doing that was that the image usually draws too much away from the actual message and the post should typically have more content than the signature.

I’m planning on upgrading the forums, and the entire site and getting all the broken things fixed. When I do that, I’ll probably increase the maximum avatar size and this should be a suitable compromise.

Right. That should work. Sorry if you saw this as an attack on your power or anything of the sort. I merely wanted to show my opinion. Then things got out of hand, and my pride kept it up. :roll_eyes: