Sideways ww

Any tips, or a tutorial maybe? :slight_smile:

im learning it, the one thing that i find realy helps is to grip the seat as tight as you can and keep all your weight on the seat, not the tire, i can get into it from riding go about 10 feet but i cant get out so…

Check out my foot positions before and during the sideways ww.

It helps to think about keeping your arms locked straight and your body up high and centered over the seat.

thanks…I’ll just keep practicing

yeah, put all your wait on the seat and just for practice purposes i would start from the ground and step up and go for it. it takes practice, but it is a fun trick to do.

Tutorial would help a lot :). But I’ll keeeeep on practicing

tutorial how to enter while riding and how to exit would be nice…

come on. no one’s willing to make a tutorial to help out the unicyclist community? come on…

I would make a tutorial… but I cant for a week or so, since im in israel and my unicycles frame snapped, so sorry. I might make one when I get back.

May I ask why you’re in Isreal and how your frame snapped? :thinking:

I’m in israel because i’m visiting relatives (I used to live here). I snapped my kh 07 frame while practicing crankflipping down a 5 set. I really don’t understand how it broke, just one time when I was riding up to the set, my frame mysteriously gave way and snapped in half under me. I have no idea why it happened I guess it was just weakened from all the abuse i give it and just gave way.

Where are you feet supposed to go if you just jump up and stand on the wheel or hop. Every single time I try I always fall forward or back.

What do you expect? your not going to fall upwards :stuck_out_tongue:

that isnt sideways ww, but the closer to the frame you keep them the easier it will be…also dont bend your legs, keep the straight, bend you back


Please? It’s the move I want to know the most. :frowning:

alright, I’m not going to have any time this weekend, Im not sure about next, but if I remember and have time, I will try to make one.


There’s really no great volume of advice to give. I assume if you are working on sideways ww, you’ve been riding long enough to figure out the key to developing freestyle riding skills. I’ll give you a clue, its one word starting with a P (and no its not procrastination).

There are two noticeably different grips to use. I’m only going to tell you one, as it is probably easier and allows for greater variation of linking tricks, transfers etc. In fact theres little point learning the other way and you dont need to know it.

Grip the seat with both hands,one hand at each end. Should feel comfortable. Place your leading foot on the tyre and step up while straightening your arms and start walking. Elbow should be locked at 180 degrees, get your upper body up and forwards to balance your weight out on the unicycle. This forces you to support your bodyweight on your arms. You should feel the weight going into the seat and down through the seatpost. The physical exertion of the legs is actually minimal, something you may not be able to visually interpret from watching the skill.

At first you will find it easier to guide the wheel with both feet, as your legs will feel very spastic. Once basic proficiency is gained you will find it easier and more efficient to only use the leading foot, the back leg can be held extended or the foot can be placed on the near or far fork, or over the front of the seat (and any other crazy thing u feel impulsed to do with it).

Have fun.

In this vid
which is easier, the wwing at 00:25
or at 01:45 with the seat between legs?