Sidehop problem

Everytime i try and do a sidehop, i end up twisting the unicycle 45 degrees from the position it was in when i started. So, what happens is when i land on a step, my uni turns so much that there is not enough room for my uni on the step. Anyone have any advice on how to stop this?


Practice on flat ground. Practice sidehops where you end facing the direction you want. Then practice making yourself land facing up to 45 degrees in the opposite direction. Once you’ve done this you will learn control of the twisting component of your hops, and be able to use it at will.

You’re not the only one with problems like this. On purpose I do that when doing big hops onto small objects, since it seems to make landings easier. Such technique is very helpful when doing hops onto rails and other skinnies.

I have the opposite problem when doing big sidehops. When I face parallell to the object, I tend to land on the back of my tire, so I’m actually landing on the object almost backwards. It’s extremely difficult to land, so I’ve learned to angle towards the object by 25-35 degrees so that I land parallel to the object, although even then I sometimes land backwards. I think this problem comes from the way in which I lift the uni, my wrist rotates when I lift it super high.

Just practice hopping without turning. It’ll work out.