i just bought a crapload of fireworks for july 4th and i want to see what you guys have stored up for the big night tomarrow. WHO HAS THE BIGGEST STASH??? LET THE COMPETITION BEGIN!!!
Not fireworks but eh I’ll try it…
As a kid I remember everybody on our block tried to out-do each other for the most amazing fireworks display. I just remember getting lots of m-80sm firecrackers and piccolo petes. You’d take a pliers and squeeze them at the bottom and it would explode really loud when it burned to the squeezed part.
I always thought the cost to fun ratio for fireworks was a bit high so I spent my money on other things.
Yeah me too, like a prius!
Ooh! Blow that up, im sure some chemical reaction with the batteries would make for an awesome, beautiful explosion.
We could do it in your backyard.
Great idea! I’ll film it…no wait, I said I wasn’t making anymore videos, so I guess only I’ll see it and enjoy it LIVE! My “pre-is” will become the “post-es”!