Show him who's boss

In protest of the inauguration, January 20th with be “Not One Damn Dime Day.” To assist in our cause, you will purchase all necessities will be purchased before the day. You should not spend a single dime on the 20th. Please participate in this and encourage your friends and family to as well. We don’t want Bush, but it is too late to change the results of the election, but we can still voice our openion. For more information, go to:
“While some dance at the inauguration ball, people continue to die in Iraq.”

I agree with you. I already heard about this was was planning on boycotting everything during the 24 hour period.
Too many people act like this war is just “business as usual” and as a result this war is hardly real for the majority of people in this country.
This boycott is a creative way to protest and I’m all in favor of it.
By the way–don’t feel discouraged by the lack of response to your posting–this forum was completely on fire right before the election, just as polarized as the rest of the country–perhaps a lot of us are just a little burnt-out on the political issue for the moment.
A lot of unicyclists can’t stand Bush. (yea, I know, and a lot also like him too–I’ve heard it all…)
Not One Damn Dime.

Steve Dogbowl

these stupid boycotts of not buying stuff make little to no difference. Its one day, and guess what? nearly everyone will buy the stuff they need/want the day before or the day after. few people will actually not spend the money. This could only have a sizeable impact if no one bought anything extra period, and if you had a large percentage of the population. If you want to protest the war, the president, the economy, whatever, please find a way that might actually work. Letters to editors and legislators a known to work wonders. Hell a single group with online complaint forms is responsible for nearly all of the FCC’s complaints. Seriously, find a better way.

edit: read the site more and he even suggest to buy the candle for a peace vigil the day before. unless lots of people truly consume nothing on the 20th, then nothing will be accomplished. THe grocery chain you buy the extra day’s worth of food from doesn’t care if you buy extra on the 19th and nothing on the 20th. i could go on, but i’ll stop.

but buy nothing day is FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26

Now I’m all for letting the world know that I had no part in bush getting re-elected I did my part and voted for the other guy. That said Im not going to hurt my local business because I dont support his actions.

Do these buy nothing boycotts mean you can’t use electricity or other household utilities that cost money? If not, I already participate in buying nothing more days than not. :thinking:

This is stupid. Businesses don’t count their profits by the day. Whatever you don’t but on one day, you’ll buy on the next. Hardly “shutting down the economy”.
Quit your whining and let this mediocre President have his day.
He’s a hell of alot better than the well educated idiot who would have done his best to make us a socialist country.

What was that protest day of do not buy gasoline a few months back? I don’t remember what it was for. But I made sure I filled up both tanks that day because gas stations had lowered the price a penny or two to try to intice folks to buy gas.

Call me a sucker but make sure you add “one or two pennies more in my pocket” sucker.


Re: Show him who’s boss

I wonder how many more terrorists would have been dancing on American soil if it wasn’t for the aforementioned inaugural dancing. Hmmm…


I’m in.

Get over yourselves. I’m going to buy a new car on that day.