Hey guys it new_unicycler again and i was wondering if theres anyone that wants to see how far i have improved over a week but i need to borrow my buddies camara so i know this is probly a stupid question but i was bored thanx…TONY…
yeah, go for it.
Just out of curiosity, are you gonna be starting a new account under a different name when you get good?
i never thought bout that good thing you said something i might i unnno but what should i call my member name then? pro_unicycler,trial_unicycler i might call it trial i unnno but i’ll see ok and what kinda music should i put in my movies rap,hip hop,rock,heavy rock,techno bass i might do some of that,something with bass …TONY… p.s make sugestions
whatever you decide on, it should be unicyclist. not unicycler.
oh, and I’d be interested in seeing a movie too.
k well there will be atemps on some drops and some other stuff but just to let you know i’ve only been unicycling for a week now and i also am going to tel you i still need to hang onto stuff to get started so i’ll be trying to get it all outta me and get the cam
bring on the vids.
kk notta problem we started it today and i have one good fall in there for you ok so wait till then ok i promise soon it will be up see the word (soon) don’t you love that word? haha i was bored but ya so would youo guys be able to wait till the spring cuz unfortonitly it snowed were i live and we got 20-40 cm of snow :’( and so spring or way soon waiting till snows gone but if it starts clearing up then i will continue rhe vid so please be patiant and i will post a new thread or w/e on this video but i have to warn you its not going to be the best but its going to be good ok thanx.
Yeah, we’d love to see that.
‘Should I?’ just doesn’t quite cut it I’m afraid.