Should I shave my 2.7 Monty tire?

Hey I’ve got a 2007 KH trials uni and at the moment im riding a 2.7 Monty tire on it. I want to see what a smooth tire is like for trials and street so tell me what you think? Should I shave it?

If it’s the Monty tire that isn’t the Eagle Claw, yes, go for it.

If it’s the sexy Eagle Claw, don’t shave it, that’s a great tire, and I would happily trade you my quickly balding Creepy Crawler for it to shave.

Can you ride that?

YES!!! Can you?

i wouldn’t shave it, smooth tires SUCK
think about it. they have no grip on anything except a clean, dry asphalt or concrete surface, and won’t grab edges nearly as well.

I’m working on it.

I have many months of riding a smooth CC tire that proves you wrong on every aspect you mentioned.

Now im confused. Im not sure what I should do :thinking:

Do what you feel like doing. Shaving a tire isnt too hard, and is a fun project. If it doesnt work out, buying a new tire is easy to do too.

jerrick yours was very worn out, not completely bald like people’s bald trials.

I’d recomend against it. For the same reasons as skrobo, and the fact you are wasting a tyre that will last much longer if unshaved. If you want to try shave the CC you originally had on your KH.

Worn out on the spot that is ridden on, unless people are ridding on the sides of their tires now, I dont see your point as valid.

well jerrick, or course your tire dosent slip doing urbin trials. but then again that might be all that cameron is doing. all in all i dont really think its going to help of hinder your riding, but rather just give you a bald tire. have fun in the rain!

well when you land on the edge of something, the edges of your tyre do help. You can see it cause on my creepy crawler for example they are cracked and split from when i’ve landed rigth on the edge.

And yeah during urban trials you dont really slip much.Also in the wet it must suck really badly.