Should I grease pack brand new sealed bearings?

My son got a brand new Torker DX last night.
We didn’t have time to assemble it yet (he’s like :angry: )

Should I pop out the seals and make sure there are no air pockets inside the bearings?

I know sealed bearings are supposed to be “ready to run”, but being assembled in China, I have to wonder how well they pack them.

We live in the Seattle area, so it will be used in wet & muddy conditions.

Anyone got experience with this?

If it ain’t broke…

I’ve never had any problem with new torker bearings and I haven’t re packed them.

No. Use them as they came. I have been riding since the late 80’s and have never had a problem with factory bearings.

I would leave them be, if something is wrong you’ll notice pretty quickly.

Thanks guys.

They feel fine (smooth, with that gooey resistance).
Now I just need to help him (onewheelninja) put it together.