Should I buy a unicyle whilst in America?

Hey guys

I’ve just got into uni-cycling and decided if I should get a proper unicycle instead of the piece of junk i currently have. Anyway I checked and decided i wanted a 24/26 inch LXUnistar however it would cost me approximately $230 ( to get it ordered to me from Australia whereas it would cost me approximately $135 from America.

So should I try to look around California for a unicycle shop that would sell a 24/26 inch LXUnistar (I have no idea how rare these would be in America) or would I just be better off getting it ordered to me from Australia?

Thanks for all replys

A Torker LX is pretty common especially in 24 inch size. 26 might be more difficult to find. It’s certainly worth calling around to find out.

If you bring a really big suitcase, you might be able to stuff it in there and avoid an extra luggage fee on the way back to Australia.

Hopefully it will be common enough to be in stock in the shop seeing as how I can’t really get it ordered in.

You might also be able to order one online and have it delivered to wherever you’re staying. But then paying might get complicated…

Where do you live about? has several different locations.

I live in Australia but the prices at are far higher than the American prices i linked.