Should I buy a new uni?

I have a classic Sun that’s held up well over the years. I’ve been able to ride for years but only relatively recently started trying tricks. I’m alright for a newbie, but would getting a new uni help me become better? Mind, I only want to pay around $100, so is it worth it to get a new one? I found a couple that I like, a

and a

Also, I will probably only be riding for another year, two at most, before I enter religious life. I won’t be able to own anything with the community I hope to join, so I can’t take it with me. However, one of my little sisters will probably love to unicycle as soon as she can reach the pedals which she’s almost at, and my brother can ride though he’s away at one of the military academies for college. My dad rides a bit too.
I would just feel guilty buying or asking my parents for a new one if I really don’t need it and/or it goes unused. Thoughts?

I say buy the Uni

I hope joining your religious community makes you happy.
Would not be for me.

get the uni. get as much out of it as you can or want to.

then pass the uni on

you never know you may find a good uni for a good price from someone else moving on from unicycling - on the trading post.

When I first started playing guitar this was a common thought that I would often have. It’s hard to answer definitively but usually the answer is upgrading equipment won’t help you improve near as much as putting in lots of practice on your current equipment. Now if you were to do both…

I suppose it can make some difference, it depends on what new things you want to do. I don’t know how much of a performance boost you’ll get over your current setup if you stay in the $100 range but I don’t know much about classic Sun unicycles and what kind of shape yours is in.

The other side of the equation is that it sounds like you’ll soon be giving up everything. With that in mind you might as well get something new that you’ll enjoy now. Are you giving up everything for a few months or years or is it a more permanent thing? Hey, maybe you could donate the uni to the community at large, you wouldn’t own it, the community would. :wink:

Thanks guys!
My parents were asking me what I wanted for graduation…

If I had only $100 to spend on a unicycle and already had one I would just put a nice seat on the one I had.

A good seat can do wonders to riding comfort and control. Makes it much more enjoyable spending time in the saddle.