Should Gitmo be Used for Those Who Raped and Pillaged our Economy?

Should Gitmo be Used for Those Who Raped and Pillaged our Economy?

Years ago, reporters for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer are reporting this week, the FBI knew that home mortgage scams were being perpetrated by banks all across the country. They told the Bush Administration, and were denied agents or resources to pursue their cases.

Two years ago then-New York Governor Elliot Spitzer tried to prosecute banks – along with governors or attorneys general of all 50 states – for just these types of crimes and the Bush administration used an obscure Civil War era law to stop him.

Today we learn that the very hustlers who helped destroy our economy, the so-called “investment bankers” at Morgan Stanley and AIG (who have gotten billions of our taxpayer dollars in the recent bailouts) will be getting their bonuses this year, to the tune of $1.13 million in cash for the 400 brokers at AIG.

But while they should be denied their bonuses, the criminals for whom we should re-open Gitmo are Phil Gramm, John Boner, and the other Republicans who changed laws reaching back to the Republican Great Depression of the 1930s to prevent exactly these types of scams.

Reopen Gitmo! Get it ready for the Republicans!

Did Billy open up a new account?

Haha, that’s who I thought started the thread before I looked. :slight_smile:

Getting back on subject, those who did ill to our economy should be duly prosecuted, and not given money from the bailout package. I’m not sure about prison time. I’ll leave that up to the courts to decide.

No, this guy has been around for awhile, although it seems he only joined to participate in a 2nd Amendment discussion if you look at his previous posts.

I’m confused by his choosing to post a blog from such a left wing source.

If you’re going to post a news story or blog you should at least provide some commentary of your own.

I refuse to comment on the subject until I know if the OP rides a unicycle or not. :angry:

How do you rape the economy?

In the 2nd Amendment thread he claimed he was going to learn after he healed from his knee surgery.

Ah, ok. Time to read through the link.

Obviously you are a youngster. It’s not exactly rape, of course, but still, OUCH! Ouch every month when we open the statements from our investment accounts. Ouch again.

Yes, when I read the subject I was surprised to look over and see it was someone other than Billy. I usually ignore Billy’s “controversial” posts, because you never know when he’s making all of it up, or only part. :slight_smile:

Shoots, you seem to be suggesting that these financial evil-doers deserve to be stripped of their Constitutional rights. I disagree. Gitmo is all about not getting due process. If there’s due process to be had with these guys at all, that will be enough for me. Especially since I and future generations will be paying for those bonuses… :angry:

Side note: Our auto insurance is with 21st Century. They were recently acquired by AIG (before all this craziness, I think) and were in the process of changing their name to AIG-Direct. They were pretty much done with the branding change when they suddenly decided to change the name back to 21st Century. I wonder why?

Yeah… :roll_eyes:

Whoever takes that on better be Untouchable [like Federal Agent Elliot Ness who took out Al Capone].

Otherwise they’ll take a victimless crime molehill and make a mountain out of it, threaten you with extraordinary punishments far beyond what is typically used for such crimes, and teach you a lesson for trying to take down these criminals. [Did they do that to Elliot Spitzer?]

These criminals pay for protection from law enforcement. It’s called “lobbying congress.” Protection money goes far, but Elliot Spitzer didn’t like what these criminals were doing to the regular folks.

I’m starting to think that Bernie Madoff may never do a day in jail. Great deals are being offered to him everyday. It’s like his arrest was just for show. Madoff cannot stop smiling, have you seen him?

Look at radical John Foss accusing the Bush administration of violating the US Constitution and due process rights. When I saw that, I thought John was channeling BillyTheMountain.