Should farm animals gain a legal right to stand, sit, lie down, turn around, stretch?

What kind of animal would keep veal-calves immobile in crates barely large enough to contain their bodies? Or egg-laying hens in cages so small they can never stretch their wings?

Californians have the opportunity to become more human this November, by voting on the California Farm Animal Cruelty Act – Proposition 2.

Proposition 2: Treatment of Farm Animals. Statute.

Yes, I think farm animals deserve much more rights.

This may screw the economy over even further… but some things are more important (though the economy is well important).

Mmmm…farm animals…mmmm.

They need to figure out how to grow meat in a test tube already, then we won’t have to worry about harming these tasty animals. If meat did come from a tube instead of cute little animals, would there be fewer vegetarians in the world? And would we still be allowed to eat animals at all? hmm…

I’ve always wondered when something like this would happen…

I’m guessing it will happen at some point or another, to be honest. I mean, assuming that animals are equal to humans this is worse then slavery, and my guess is that perhaps eventually it would become illegal to eat animals…

I doubt it would be any time soon though…

There’s a psa running in my area showing the terrible mistreatment of these poor animals and it really sickens me and breaks my heart to see them in those conditions. Like a forklift driver knocking over a helpless cow and almost running it over. Or a baby pig biting down on the metal bar of his tiny cage out of sheer desperation to escape. Disgusting and sad. :frowning:

food from animals that are free to roam always tastes better than food from couped up animals. i grew up on a farm and we raised cows, pigs, and chickens and the meat and eggs were SO much better than store bought. it takes more land to raise animals this way, but the food is better and i think animals should never be kept in small pens. it’s mean.

Vote against factory farming and animal abuse with your purchasing dollars. Reconnect with your local small, family farmers (who desperately need your support). Meet them and talk with them. Buy from those who have the best practices.

The compassionate conservative emerges…

You can’t balance a ball on your nose while swimming backwards, or take a swimming leap out of the pool through a hoop, or jump up and take a fish out of the bikini girl’s mouth.

Is your claim of being equal to the dolphin an overstatement?

Proposition 2 is on our ballot, so how do the Californians out there plan to vote? It’ll be a yes from Jacquie and me. In reading the arguments about it, the opposition side speaks only of hens and eggs, and never mentions the other animals. I think the hen/egg part is the vast majority for this proposal. The No side claims California would lose its egg market due to higher prices. The Yes side says the difference would be a few pennies per egg, or per dozen. I’m willing to pay such a difference, and I think a majority of Californians are too. And since there is no argument against the stuff for the veal and pork (can’t say there’s no pork in this one), our Yes votes are reconfirmed.

To me it’s a no-brainer. Slightly higher costs on the one hand, and better treatment of the animals on the other. While some people will always just buy the cheapest stuff, those of us who care (and we can afford it) will happily pay a little more to feel better about that stuff if we choose to buy it.

You beat the dolphin.

Happy now? Proud?

Squeek, squeek. Eek, squeek.

official thread of dolphinspeak.

[/unhelpful comment]

do they still kill dolphins when they net tuna?

if so, would you eat tuna anyway?

dont think it would be illegal to eat normal meat…
think about this:

They have found several ways to make fake leather and fur, but still, most people use normal fur and it’s not illegal to grew wolfs or whatever in cages, skin cows or anytihng…

i was a vegetarian for a half year…

and one more thing…
i tihnk they can do this soon, they have found a way to mutate the DNA in the fish so it makes it grow faster and they use it now in some places where the grow fish

Billy, please, this is a family forum.

In case anyone wanted to get back to the topic, here’s a decent wiki about this proposition. Seems to be pretty balanced, so you can read a bit about both sides.

No, thanks. This is a BTM thread. They’re designed with lots of wiggle room to make them at least palatable if not interesting.

Farm animals should have a right to stand, turn around, stretch, etc…

…once they’re on my BBQ. It’d make grilling that much easier.