Hey all, i had some free time today so i whipped up a little design i’ve been thinking about for a shirt. Tell me what you think of it and do to it as you will to make it awesome!
the devil is doin some shit cool underworld unispin- hence the seat out
Its legs look awkward joined at the knees…and the uni and text is looking flat compared to the detail in the demon you change the font…and more detail
tissome big wings
I wish I could say I was perturbed, but seeing as how most of the original HOW crew don’t ride anymore (John, Nick, Sam, Hugh, Houston) and our beloved trials park has been demolished, I suppose I don’t have much of a claim to make to the “Hell on Wheel” moniker anymore. Sigh.
In any event, I still like our logo better.
P.S. Still got plenty of these for sale, S,M,L,XL.
While I’m in this bittersweet, contemplative mood…
I found this thread while digging up the above two links. Read David Stone’s second post.
Perhaps we Richmonder’s had no right to make “Hell on Wheel” our exclusive property in the first place. Perhaps it has always been meant to represent something bigger, something that can’t be contained in any “turf”. Many argue that the Hell’s Angels spelled out their own demise when they hired a lawyer to guarantee exclusive intellectual-property rights to their name. I obviously wasn’t the first to “come up” with “Hell on Wheel” and I suppose it would be an injustice (and wasted effort) if I tried to drag it to the grave with our wearied “gang.”
And so, I hereby set “Hell on Wheel” free for the use of future bands of one-wheelers and lone riders alike. All I ask is that you wear the name proudly and with honor. I still will for as long as I have two legs and properly functioning semi-circular canals.
looks like he got kicked in the nuts
Hell on wheel shall live on.
amazing grace on bagpipes
Looks like he’s pretending to pay slap bass.
Still, better than I could do.
Can we have a B team called “Heck on Wheel”? (pace Scott Adams)