Hi can anyone give some advice on shaving a Try-All tyre for flatland riding? I know Xav and Spencer do it and just like to no how. Thanks
belt grinder would probably work well.
carefully. dont want to take to much off.
You could just ride in circles for 13 hours. On loose gravel.
I accidentally did this to a CC tire by just ridding it, and rotating it every few months to even the wear out. Now I have a completely bald tire that rides smooth for street, grips well for trials, and makes muni rides very interesting because of the lack of traction.
Just ridding it for a long time is always an option. Ive had this tire for a year now and still ride it.
yeah but does that thing bounce at all?
most people would have already gotten a new tire.
How would the fact that the tread is worn down affect the “bounce”?
yeah. the tread gives it a lot of bounce.
put a new tire on after riding a worn down one and you will notice the bounce difference
Ridding it of what? Demons? Parasites? Rubber worms?
Bounces just as well as the two brand new CC tires I have. I even switched from the new one with tread back to the bald one.
Demons. I kinda miss them though.
I do sometimes as well, shouldn’t have had my KH24 exorsized