<shakes fist at the sky> "WHY, $DEITY, WHY?" - Generic Rant Thread

The cat has just thrown up… all over my laptop.



There’s no problem so big it can’t be ignored. Just don’t use the keys: r, t, y, u, f, g, h, c, v or b (or whatever keys are affected).

When I lived in Richmond, my roommate’s cat used to puke all over the place. I didn’t mind it so much, cause it never happened to puke on my stuff.

My other roommate’s cat was worse. It used to pee on my 661 shin pads AND, no kidding, it used to steal my toothbrush!

This happened maybe three times (with three seperate toothbrushes of course), the last time I was able to catch her in the act (not like she cared), she was just prancing down the hall holding my toothbrush in her mouth by the bristles. I just let her keep that one.

I can’t wait to get a dog.

That is the most nightmarish cat-computer scenario I can imagine. It is one thing to lose all your (hopefully backed up) data; it is quite another to have to cleave regurgitated crunchies from betwixt the keys.

My cat was just situated on the shelf above my computer desk/head when she sort of belched. In light of your post, I decided that it was time for her to come down…

Thanks for the heads up.


Dogs rule!!

Re: ewwwwwwww…

Yes, at least they throw up on the floor.

Re: <shakes fist at the sky> “WHY, $DEITY, WHY?” - Generic Rant Thread

Pictures, please!

Did you throw the laptop out?

(Also, I have no variable called $DEITY set)

Re: Re: ewwwwwwww…

The laptop was on the floor at the time… :frowning:

Alas no pictures; the only camera I had around at the time was the webcam, which plugs into (you guessed it) the laptop… :slight_smile:

The laptop is now back to normal, as far as I can see; luckily the keyboard escaped (damn close, mind). The mouse got the worst of it. Somewhat fitting, if nothing else…


This from today’s The Onion:

Stuff On Floor Either Cat Food Or Cat Shit
LODI, NJ—The moist, brownish pile on the Gehrke living-room floor is either cat food or cat shit, sources reported Monday. “If I had to guess, I’d say it’s cat food,” said Lydia Gehrke, 44, staring at the mystery heap. “But the way Oscar’s been digesting lately, cat shit is definitely a possibility, too.” Though a long shot, Gehrke noted that it could also be cat vomit. “Whatever it is,” she said, “it involves the cat.”


Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

phone PC world and see if they can help you, they’re advert on tv really annoys me they say they can just fix your probelm over the phone, half the people who work there don’t have a clue (no offense to anyone who does here i’m sure you’re one of the knowing people)

Another EVEN BIGGER rant


I’m looking to replace my likkle car in the not too distant future, and while coming home from work I thought I’d pop into a local garage to find out roughly what the trade-in value of this one is like.

Chap looks around, comes back over and says “Well… ordinarily I’d give you ten cows* for it, but because of that dent in the rear left corner it’d only be five cows…”

Dent? What dent?

It looks like sometime in the last day or two someone with a large white car has tried to park through the corner of my car. It’s not a big, massively obvious dent, but it’s a DENT and a SEVERE ANNOYANCE that I DON’T NEED, because now I have to faff around with getting it straightened and shiny looking again.

Where’s that “People who should be shot” thread? I have no idea who it is, or where they are, but they belong on it.

GRRRR!!!, I say again, GRRRR!!!


  • Regional currency of South Somerset. Ooo-arrr!

sorry jjuggle onions make me cry. I like them fried but I can’t stand cuttin em. like kantstandsya aka cartwright aka kastansa.


Dogs win again!! :smiley: