no no this is a family forum so don’t fear …
So in 1790 a letter was sent by the government to a small town in a remote valley of the Pyrénées where my fellow kinsmen used to roam. At that time France was in full reorganisation and the letter announced that local power was not to be based here but to the nearby town of Oust (meaning “get Out!” in French).
The name of that (very small) town is Seix (pronounce sEx with a very long E).
Alas it was delivered in another small town farther north whose name is Saïx (sound is different but very near).
It was kept there for 220 years and recently discovered so on June 5 the mayor of Saïx will deliver it to the mayor of Seix and believe it or not the post Office will issue a special stamp for the occasion.
Many french people noted that the mayor of Saïx could pause during his travel at another town in between: Condom (well there is yet another town nearby with a saucy name but I can’t cite it here)
I live near the old “Road to Love” If you keep going south after you get to Love you will eventually get to Semans then Climax.
Aren’t town names fun?
Nice story, Bear;) Reading the title I thought I’d have to search if there is an english word for “female bear”, just so we can keep talking togethter without you feeling dicriminated or something.