set your goals for the weekend

for unicycling such as learning new tricks, trying to try a new set of stairs ect.

My goal for this weekend isnt really for this weekend since today is thursday and school starts monday so this monday the 20th, So here are my goals for before school starts

  1. Learn to mount and get it like every time

  2. Learn to ride backwards

  3. Jump over a set of 3 stairs

Ok, heres mine if it doesnt rain and i dont f*ck my foot again…

  1. 180 a drop at the local school
  2. Jump up 2 pallets
  3. Jump up 2 stairs
  4. Down a 3 set onto concrete(my best is a 4 set onto grass)

Also, in addition to the goals i suggest we post our results at the end of the weekend.

Peace, and good luck:D

sounds good

  1. Not die of heatstroke.

  2. Hook up with as many hot chicks as possible

  3. Drink a moderate amount of good beer

All of the above for me too!

Eat breakfast.
Survey land going to hunt at.
Practice welding.

Count me in to.

i’ll keep to that one

  1. Drink a ridiculous amount of good whiskey

  2. Don’t fall off the floor.

  3. Don’t embarrass my girlfriend.

I’m with Joe and Ivan.

  1. get up

  2. stay up

  3. go out unicycling

  4. get my rolling hops bigger and smother

  5. enjoy the day

  6. get back into the swing of things

Somehow I don’t think those two quotes match up very well. :wink:

those 2 are things I can only hop to acomplish this weekend. rim shot

Ah, but if I manage to belt out a decent Karaoke rendition of a Prince tune, she’d be ecstatic with delight… even if delivered from the floor.

The secret to drinking whiskey is not to let on how much you’ve had. I prefer to sit quietly and smile… or lie quietly and smile, as the case may be.

Well when you say “a ridiculous amount” that usually hints at a successful vomit-fest by the end of the night. But perhaps your hyperbole eluded me…I’m tired right now. >.>

Get up early enough on Saturday morning to head to Bellingham for a group muni ride.

One glass with dinner = sensible.
Two glasses after dinner = reasonable.
Three glasses after dessert = silly.
Three glasses before dinner + three glasses during dinner = wearing dessert on pants = ridiculous.

BTW, I drink a bit of water between every glass of whiskey, and I don’t drink the cheap stuff. That keeps the hangovers to a minimum. I’ve never barfed whiskey before…

I’ve always heard drinking water is bad and makes it worse.

Hmm I guess my goal would be to try to ride at least once this weekend. Still haven’t rode since i got back from NAUCC about 3 weeks ago.

To address the thread topic seriously… my short term goal is to average 15 km/h for two hours on a 36er. I haven’t measured myself before, but I don’t think this is anything too challenging…

Hmm, get unispins to crankgrabs down better.

  1. engage in some minor substance abuse with my friends one last time before going to university

  2. finish reinstalling/configuring Windows. w00t computar