Separation of Church and State

My town is a major train hub for commuters to New York City. As a result the train station parking lot is quite large. The lot is, like most, a series of numbered spaces, most reserved for regulars.

There is no space 666.

I’m thinking of suing my town to force a space 666 since this number comes directly from the New Testament, the book of Revelation, and omitting it is direct government recogniton of Christianity. It is, in fact, a more egregious act even than including “one nation under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance since God here may be considered generic to any monotheistic religion. Leaving out a space 666 is a absolute acknowledgement of the Christian religion.

Do I have a case?

Is there a reason for lack of a ‘666’ space that’s completely secular?

Are you being completely serious?

If you’re not superstitious, would you sue a hotel for not including a 13th floor?

I’d sue them for $666.00.

The space is there, you just can’t see it because it’s just below in H-E-Double Hockey sticks. It’s reserved for all those people who go slow in the fast lane.

Several local churches use their parking lots as a mid-week park and ride lots. They let anybody park there. What do you think about the state utilizing church resources?

I am STRONGLY, STRONGLY, STRONGLY in favour of the separation of church and state. However, I am FAR less offended by the omission of space 666 than I am by, oh I don’t know, the fact that non-christians have absolutely NO electability in the united states (particularly Muslims and atheists).

The first Muslim was just elected to Congress back in November, in Minnesota I believe. That doesn’t negate your point though.

Went to the zoo today. Andrea was driving. Guess where she parked, needless to say she doesn’t drive slow in the fast lane…

Zoo 051.jpg

Can you think of one?


Superstition, while a cousin of religion, is not the same thing. So, no, I wouldn’t.

One of the things I really love about technology. :slight_smile:

So you don’t support the separation of superstition and state? I’m surprised at you!!

Well, Raphael, I’m not saying I don’t respect your opinion (because I do), but I can’t say I agree with it. I’ve always disliked the “sue-happy” attitude of today’s America, and I don’t think something like this warrants a lawsuit.

I don’t really disagree with the sentiment, just the method. I think it’s a good endeavor if lawsuits are left out of it.

I find the idiocy of the state to be regrettable, but not necessarily unconstitutional. In any event a hotel, a private institution, has every right to leave out the 13th floor if they like.

I don’t get the point here, Steve.

I’ve got to go with Monkeyman on this one. If you really want to expend the time and energy to pursue this (I can think of better things to do, like raise money for charity), I’d recommend the purpose of the action is to get them to paint all the numbers next time. Not to spend additional funds to fix one spot, which would require repainting hundreds of others.

Do they have a 999 spot? :slight_smile:

Or unicycle.

You always have a way of turning the conversation upside-down.